Sunday, April 12, 2020

Coronavirus - Week 4

Did: 30 min parent + kid yoga
Took it easy today, did 30 mins of a yoga class with D (I wouldn't exactly call it a workout, but it's all I did today). Mostly some simple stretching and breathing. I was impressed he pretty much did the whole thing and listened well!

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:59/mi + Full Moon Power Flow
Good run today, finally got a solid almost-exact 10k loop figured out that doesn't require any backtracking, overlapping, or out-and-backs. Woot! And I ran up all the hills today with minimal discomfort in my glute/hammie.
However, I did apparently choose a bad time to leave my computer because i came back to 5 people who had Skyped me while I was away. Yikes!
Then at 8pm my yoga studio did a special Full Moon power flow class, so we did yoga on the back porch. Unfortunately it was cloudy so we couldn't actually see the moon, but it was still a nice change from doing yoga in the basement. I might have to make that a regular venue!
Set up for yoga

Did: Power Flow yoga w/ Karina
Did Karina's lunch hour class on the screened porch - was a tough class but nice!

Did: Flow + Deep Stretch w/ Cesar
Got this class done first thing in the morning. It was nice to do on the screened porch during sunrise, although I got a little cold towards the deep stretch part.
I can tell I'm missing my cardio but I'm thankful to at least get yoga done each day.

Did: 10.58 mi run @ 9:18/mi avg + Power Flow w/ Marsha
Yesss this was such a good run. Took a new route, two-lane roads through the country and back through TR/Green Valley. Felt good and strong, hip/glute feeling more normal every day. Didn't push any pace just ran what felt good.
Morning Sunlight
In the late afternoon, did Power Flow w/ Marsha on the back porch which was so nice.

Did: Flow + Deep Stretch w/ Jasmine, 19.9 mi bike ride
Started the morning doing some yoga by the fireplace which was suuuuper nice. Good stretchy session to start the day. Then after lunch I ventured out for a solo road bike ride and did a hilly 15 mile loop before meeting up with Scott & D on the Swamp Rabbit Trail to finish out the ride. Felt good to get on the bike, but man, I am out of shape/practice!

Did: Soul Sculpt w Jessie + 3.19 mi @ 8:26/mi avg run
Was not feeling the sculpt class before I started, but I got into it as it went on - I think this was my favorite sculpt class yet! Tough but not in the annoying way. Felt so good that I went for a 3-mile run in the rain after. Yesss!

Week-ending thoughts:
Feeling energized, motivated, and positive (as much as I can be) going into next week. Hopefully I can maintain that. I'm missing people, though.

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