Monday, March 2, 2020

Planning ahead

Note: I'm starting this entry on the Friday of the week before, planning out my intentions for next week ahead of time. Seeing if this helps my consistency.

Planned: strength train
Did: 45 min strength
Got a nice gym session in, including the same stability ball core workout from my trainer friend.

Planned: early run #10kTuesday (track or treadmill)
Did: 6.44 mi @ 8:35/mi avg, 6x600m track workout
Beat the rain for track Tuesday once more, and the temps were perfect! Had 8x600 in mind but only had time to get through 6. Still felt good to push hard and my times were pretty consistent:
2:32, 2:32, 2:33, 2:34, 2:29, 2:29
I didn't look at the pace calculator before this workout, and it says I should be doing 600s at 2:24... so, a few seconds off, but not bad since I just ran what I felt like doing.

Planned: rest - team lunch
Did: rest
I'm crazy sore from Monday, too!

Planned: run - tempo or hills
Did: 8x hill repeats, 4.66 mi @ 8:49/mi avg
Went out at the end of the workday and honestly I'm proud of myself for not canning this workout completely (as is my typical habit when I put it off until the end of the day). Patting myself on the back for that. It was a beautiful sunny and cool day, which made it worthwhile. Ran over to the hills near USC Upstate (which I haven't done in forever) and did 8x repeats, making 4x of each hill (there's basically a valley I run down and back up each side, back and forth, like a half-pipe). A nice way to end the day!

Planned: run or gym?
Did: 27 min strength + 10 min treadmill
Just needed to get something done today, and accomplished just that. Again took the risk of going to the gym at the very end of the day, but stuck with it.

Planned: Upstate SORBA ladies' ride
Did: 9.5 mi mountain bike ride
Great ride with the ladies at Dupont! Sunny and chilly, a tiny bit of snow dusted around the trails.
Ready to ride

Coming down Hilltop

End of Hickory Mtn Loop

Top of Hickory
Planned: long run + Yoga workshop
Did: 8.09 mi @ 8:28/mi
Took D out in the stroller again to meet the same group as last weekend. The plan was 8 miles on an ONB route on the Swamp Rabbit, and we did exactly that. What I didn't plan was that I'd be running closer to 8-8:15/mi paces for the last few miles. Just felt great and started trucking! I didn't have my mile auto-lap turned on so I didn't get mile splits, but I looked down at my watch a few times and saw I was running sub-8s. Woohoo!

I did also do the yoga workshop, but it didn't end up being anything worth counting as a workout.

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