Sunday, January 26, 2020

Apparently I don't take photos anymore.

Did: 7.7 mi mountain bike
MLK Holiday from work, and D had daycare = bike day. I wasn't all that enthused about it for some reason, but was still nice to get out in the woods for a while at Pleasant Ridge.

Did: 6.49 mi @ 8:46/mi 
Slow speedwork today - the cold made it hard to move quickly! Did 4x800 and 2x400 at the track. Missed starting my watch for about a quarter mile of warm-up, so overall distance should be more like 6.75. I think I got colder and colder as the run continued... it was windy too!

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Started off with the early morning hot yoga class and it was, again, a great way to start the day. The Mon/Wed a.m. teacher is probably my favorite so far - she's got a great style for first thing in the morning. Plus she always has an assistant that goes around to help guide and correct poses which is awesome.

Did: 4.33 mi @ 8:57/mi 
Got in a quick run after work this afternoon, just a few miles to get the legs moving. Nothing spectacular but I realized it's been quite a while since I'd run around the neighborhood.

Did: 48 min strength
I've been doing yoga instead of lifting weights lately, but decided to finally get to the gym this morning. Was a pretty good lift, but the Friday drag was definitely in effect.

Did: 8.02 mi @ 8:49/mi
Ran with the early downtown group - it was a pretty good size group and I ended up with the more casually-paced half, which was just fine with me. We did the "best 10" backwards but cut it to 8 miles. I can definitely tell I've not been doing as much running lately because 8-10 miles has been feeling challenging. Nice run with the group though - sometimes I enjoy running not being such a solitary sport!

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Met up with Megan, Robin, and Annelies (her first time) for an afternoon yoga class. This one was tough but SO good! I even tried out some balancing poses that I've avoided in the past, and successfully did crow pose for the first time. I'm signed up for a class first thing tomorrow (Monday) morning... so we'll see how things go doing two classes so close together!

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