Monday, May 6, 2019

How is it May already?

Did: nothing, travel day
Return travel from Texas.

Did: 6.24 mi @ 8:00/mi avg
Ran with the early downtown group and man, we were truckin'! Started off with a pretty good group but I ended up breaking off with 2 other guys at the front and then eventually me and one other guy broke away in front. I finished with an extra mile at the end to get to my 10k and felt awesome.

Did: strength
Solid hour of lifting, felt good - incorporating more abs and core throughout the workout, usually doing the 4 sets with first 3 at higher weight and final set at lower weight focusing on form and using full range of motion. Nice and sore today (Thursday) so apparently was a good workout. :)

Did: 4.66 mi @ 9:38/mi
Hit the trails today and it was a bit of a slog - definitely feeling the heat! But good to get outside.

Did: rest

Did: 3.5 mi walk - March of Dimes March for Babies
Drove up to Spartanburg for the MoD March for Babies. Dale & Robin and two pups joined D and I on the walk. It was warm, hilly, but nice morning and D enjoyed meeting Spider-Man, jumping in the bounce house, and post-walk hotdogs.

Did: 9.57 mi @ 8:48/mi avg
Wow, this didn't seem like that fast of a run but looking at the stats... hmm, not bad! We had planned to do a family bike ride to brunch this morning but some sprinkly rain showers derailed those plans. I immediately went and laced up to go run "for a while" without any plans or thoughts. I ended up doing almost 10 miles through the hills of Green Valley & TR and felt great!
Week ending thoughts:
Wow, an entire week where my workout plans didn't get totally derailed. How is that??

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