Friday, May 24, 2019

It's gettin' hot in herrrrre

Did: lifting
Yay, another good strength session. Somehow I managed to push through a late-afternoon lack of motivation and got a great workout in. Yeehaw. I'm noticing the routine I've been doing is feeling easier, so it might be time to step up the weights a bit on a few exercises (as long as I can keep this momentum of regular workouts... ).

Did: 6.2 mi @ 7:53/mi avg (4x1mi @ 7:00/mi)
Oh yeah, treadmill speedwork for #10kTuesday today. I thought about going outside because it was really nice this morning, but mentally I needed some speedwork. Decided on something simple - mile repeats! I told myself to do 3 and see how I felt... luckily the endorphins kicked in and I definitely wanted that last one. Felt great to push and really didn't feel too worn out by the 7:00 pace... hmmmm.

Did: 4.03 mi @ 8:53/mi 
Ran the trails at work - wasn't really feeling like running but it ended up being quite a nice day (cooler than expected, overcast).

Did: rest
Well, I followed D around the trail at the Short Track races for his practice lap... but that's it.

Did: 5k trail walk
Did another "tour" of the RMC Trails at work. We walked the entire 5k course today! It was already hot out... but nice to get outside.

Ending the blog here now... because the long weekend will be a mountain biking filled weekend at Jackrabbit Mountain! We're going camping until Monday... a separate blog will come next week to recap the weekend.

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