Monday, May 20, 2019

Almost a normal week?

Did: strength training
Solid hour of lifting... finally! Nothing spectacular just finally got a solid workout done. Hooray.

Did: 6.56 mi @ 8:03/mi
Did the "Right on Rice" route with the early downtown group. It was a push because this route is hilly! And of course the run leader set a pretty blazing pace. All of us stopped to walk at the top of a couple of the hills though (thank goodness). Felt great to get out and push, especially in this gorgeous mid-50s low humidity morning!!

Did: 14.4 mi road bike @ 15.8 mph
OMG I haven't been on my bike since January 6th. WHAT. Finally got out on the bike with Scott during lunch today and had a great ride! Surprised with the speed I was able to maintain and makes me less apprehensive for this weekend's planned 30+ mile ride with some friends who will be visiting. Yay biking! 🚲

Did: 1.6 mi walk w/ D
Things and stuff and excuses during the day... had grand plans to leave early enough to run at Paris Mtn after work but that didn't pan out either. Picked up D and grabbed his bike, then headed over to Furman so he could ride around the lake and I walked with him. He got tired towards the end so we didn't go as far as I'd hoped, but it was at least something and we got outside.

Did: 1.6 mi walk on trails
After being in the audience for a panel discussion about healthy lifestyle changes at work earlier this week, a lot of questions came up about the trails on our campus. People didn't know where they started, how far they went, where to even begin. So I took it upon myself to organize a "trail orientation" and I took a group of folks out for a walk on the trails on Friday morning. It was great!
Trail walkers!
Did: 27.8 mi road bike ride, 14.1 mph
Originally we'd planned to do a ~30 mile ride to climb the Saluda grade with some friends who were in town, but they ended up being sick and not being able to ride... so we decided to do a ride from the house (logistically simpler). It was a nice morning - warm but not unbearable, low traffic for the most part, and it almost felt like "the good old days" of a morning summer bike ride followed by an afternoon at the pool. We stopped at the TR Farmer's Market on the way back, got a popsicle for D, and then I even felt good enough to take the long way home on my own.
Nice country roads

Climbing hills

King of Pops!
Did: 3.3 mi stroller run/walk + 5.7 mi trail run
This day didn't go exactly as planned... had some morning stomach issues (this has been happening more frequently... need to figure out the cause) so the planned morning miles with the stroller turned into a run/walk (mostly walk) around the neighborhood. After that, we packed up and headed to Pleasant Ridge to meet Scott so that he and D could bike and I could run a loop on the trails. I've found that trail running is incredibly humbling - whereas my road pace is usually sub-9 these days, I'm hitting 12's and 13's on the trail. Whew! Still, I felt good by the end of the run (thank goodness) and enjoyed my time in the woods.

Bonus: we did Sunday Funday yoga at Mountain Goat - love these Sunday afternoon stretch sessions with good friends and beer. :)

Week ending thoughts:
Not as many running miles as I would like for a week, but I did get out on the trails and I got on the bike not once but twice! And oh yeah, the summer heat is setting in... gonna have to get adjusted to that. 🌞

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