Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Pre- Texas Vacation

Short week coming up - leaving for long weekend in Texas (for Scott's bike ride) early Friday morning. Probably going to get in one long run on Sunday (at least that's the current plan) but otherwise no exercise planned.

Did: 4.61 mi @ 8:53/mi 
Ran the cross-country trails at work today since Sunday was full rest day. Felt good to be outside on Earth Day! It's already getting pretty warm though. Gonna be a hot summer.

Did: 6.2 mi @ 7:57/mi treadmill speedwork
I was mentally tired this morning, so even though it was lovely and cool outside, I opted for treadmill because 1) I needed to get done quickly and 2) I wanted to zone out and listen to music instead of worrying about where I was going, how much farther I needed to run, and watching out for cars/people/animals etc. Ended up being a great run, did 4x800, 3x400, and a final 800 all under 7:00/mi pace getting progressively faster with each interval. Final 800 was sub-6:15/mi pace. I actually felt like I was leg-limited on the speed for these... cardio felt pretty sustainable for each up until the last 800 which was doable but I felt the push.

Did: strength
Finally felt good and got in a good strength session - went for a full hour! Did all the normal lifts and worked in a good amount of core, too. Yes yes yes.

Did: Short Track - 6 laps
Completed 6 laps in the Short Track race on Thursday night for a total of 5.5 miles in just under 35 minutes. It was a tough little sprint but happy I was able to participate!

Friday & Saturday
Travel to Texas 

Did: 6.02 mi @ 12:47/mi
Went trail running with the friend I stayed with in Austin TX at the Zilker Botanical Garden / Barton Springs. It was a really pretty run along a creek with some gorgeous canyons and rock formations on either side. I didn't stop to take any photos but loved the scenery and being out in the woods. Made me start considering some more trail running in my near future...

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