Sunday, January 20, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (8 weeks til race week)

Ok, so I'm still doing the Greenville News 5k this coming weekend, but honestly none of this training has been specifically for it... so let's shift focus to the REAL DEAL: MARATHONNNNNN.

I also struggled with how to title my entries... what week am I on? I start the entry on Monday, but don't post til after my Sunday workout... anyway, I realize it doesn't actually matter. So I'm writing the title based on the day I know I'll post the entry. Whee.

Ok, so... this week's goals: 14-mile long run, 30 miles total for the week

Did: strength
Another solid session today, despite the fact that it was HOT in the gym, and by the time I'd left, every elliptical and treadmill was occupied (happy new year!). 😑 Similar approach as last week... 4 sets of each exercise, first 3 were 8-10 reps at a "high" weight, then dropped lower weight and increased to 12-15 reps on the 4th set. Feeling good. Also weight myself so I get a starting point of "pre-marathon training" just to keep myself in check through the next couple of months. Although if I go out every Saturday and drink 6 PBRs like I did this past weekend, it won't be hard to maintain a high calorie count. 😂😬  (I'm totally kidding, that's a terrible approach.)

Did: 5x800, 1x400 = 7.34 mi @ 7:46/mi avg
Track #10kTuesday! The downtown group was running "slow & easy 5" which didn't fit the bill for me today, so I met up with one of the downtowners who runs at the Furman track on Tuesday mornings and did some speedwork. YES this was fast! I haven't been at the track since my summer attempt at a 6:00 mile so I knew this workout would be a struggle. He was doing 800s, so I said, sure, why not. UGH 800s are hard. I managed 5 of them in the time we had, and then squeaked out a 400 at the end. This was a tough run but felt so good to get 7+ miles done before work!!

Did: 7.3 mi mountain biking
Actually went mountain biking at lunch today - whaaaat! Scott was showing a new kid around the trails and wanted me to come out with them, too, so I figured hey, good day for some cross-training! It was good, challenging, and of course nice to get out in the woods and away from my desk.

Did: 4.75 mi @ 7:54/mi
Um, what?? Sub-8!? No clue where that speed came from, but I'll take it! This makes me happy that I didn't do the early run group and took the risk of squeezing in a run mid-morning in between a crazy meeting-filled day.

Did: core & stretching
Got in another short session of core and stretching. Seems a good substitute for yoga, and I like having a day to focus on core. I should do more throughout the week, but, y'know... time, and all that. Wanted to do a longer session but got interrupted by the fitness class about to start in the gym, so I finished up what I could.

Did: Greenville News 5k
Race Report here

Did: 14.1 mi @ 9:17/mi avg + Sunday Funday Yoga
Whew, this was a tough stroller run! The forecast was WIND, and it was right. I started out running 2 miles with Dale, Robin, and Luna starting at Furman, then we parted ways and I ran down almost to downtown before turning around and heading for as top at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery (where I'd promised D he could get a snack).
The trail was very quiet today.

Snack time!

We took a little break, though I was so concerned with keeping D happy and warm that I completely forgot that I'd planned to use the bathroom, refill my water bottle, and eat a snack myself. Oy. Whereas the wind had been mostly a tailwind on the way "out", it was definitely a headwind on the way back. I felt it in my hammies and glutes for sure. I could tell D was getting cold within the last few miles, so maybe that motivated me to run faster than I really wanted to, but I was surprised with how consistent my pace was for the most part, despite headwind vs tailwind. Was glad to be done by the time we rolled back into Furman though!
We did it!

Week ending thoughts:
Miles run = 30.32 (goal was 30). On track!

Feeling great about this week and hitting my mileage goal, but also realizing that next week's goal (35 mpw) is going to be even tougher to hit. Gonna have to either add in another run day or increase mileage on several days. Still exciting to keep running though and happy with how training is going / feeling good physically and mentally.

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