Thursday, January 10, 2019

Training Plan: ATL Publix Marathon (Sunday 3/17/2019)

As I've included in my weekly post (to be posted on Sunday), I'm now officially registered for the 2019 Atlanta Publix Marathon, race date Sunday, March 17th, 2019!

I'm doing this with my running BFF and am SO EXCITED. I'm not shooting for a specific time goal, just looking forward to enjoying a nice long (looonnnngggggg) run together. Plus, it's on St. Patrick's Day, so there will likely be festive running outfits and beer (maybe not green though... eugh). 😁☘

My training plan will therefore be fairly loose and flexible, and I've decided to simply have 3 goals by which to frame my runs:

  1. Long run of appropriate distance each week, with a single 22-miler as my maximum distance. I also intend to do all long runs with the stroller. Yay additional 40lbs.
  2. Gradual increase of weekly mileage, with max. of 45 mpw. Starting point: 20 mpw.
  3. One faster/speedwork run per week, just to keep me from doing all "junk" miles. 

I plan to maintain my strength training, biking, and at least one rest/yoga day per week. I'm hoping with the inclusion of only a mpw goal that I can still make room for enough biking (especially on the weekends) so that I'm still well cross-trained. That's one thing I always miss during & after marathon training, is the fitness & fun of biking. I've made such progress, especially on the mountain bike, that I'd hate to backslide. We'll see.

So, in conclusion: MARATHONNNNNN!!!! 😁☘😁☘😁☘

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