Saturday, January 19, 2019

Greenville News Run Downtown 5k

Pre-race thoughts: Hoped the weather (rain) would hold out, wouldn't be too cold, and that I could manage a decent pace with the stroller. My time from last year was 24:28. I'd hoped to beat that time, but knowing last year I had a full marathon recently under my belt, I wasn't sure what the result would be.

Race morning was uneventful, and thankfully the early-morning forecast looked clearer than expected, so the stroller running was on! We got downtown in plenty of time, I did a mile warm-up lap, gathered with the company group for a photo, then lined up for the start. I could tell the usual thousands of people were not there for this race, likely due to the crummy weather predictions. It did actually start raining on us as the race was starting!

The first mile or so was frustrating dodging people, even though I thought I'd lined up in a reasonable spot for my intended pace. Oy, the joys of self-seeding. It's obvious by the pace graph and mile splits how GO!/slowwww/GO! it was.

up down up down
Mile splits: 8:41, 7:22, 7:22 (oh yes, finally consistency!)

Final result (by gun time): 24:26 (2 seconds faster than last year... I guess yay for consistency there, too!)

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