Sunday, January 13, 2019

Greenville News 5k (Week 7/8)

Week Beginning Thoughts: First full week back on a regular schedule (for work and such). Kinda excited. AND IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO RAIN ALL WEEK (until Saturday). YAY.

Did: strength
Great lift today. Felt good, strong, did 4 sets of everything with the first 3 being higher weight/8-10 reps then the last set dropping about 20-50% of the weight I started with and doing 10-15 reps. Did all of my core PT at the end and some of my old "normal" core routine with the medicine ball. I know my abs aren't (and probably never will be) completely back together, but I've missed being able to see my abdominal muscles so I'm gonna get 'em back. Hopefully continuing both the PT exercises alongside the standard ones will balance each other out.

Did: #10kTuesday treadmill ladder
Well, no early downtown group today - apparently everyone stayed up too late watching the Clemson game! So I headed into the office and hopped on the t'mill for a ladder workout. It seemed to go by pretty quickly, and I managed 6:30-6:45/mi for each of the speed segments of 400/400/800/1200/800/400/400. Once I got done and was cooling down, I realized if I hustled I could get a sub-50 time, so I sped back up to the end and finished in 49:44 - woohoo!
Also did my Big 5 stretching which felt nice with the muscle soreness already setting in from yesterday's lift.

Did: 4.3 mi @ 8:03/mi avg
Had planned to do the indoor stationary bike today since it's a biking day, but it was soooooo beautiful outside that I decided to run, and boy I'm glad I did! Gorgeous! And FAST!
Plus, I also did a thing... 😁

Did: 4.79 mi @ 8:54/mi
Rode the wave of yesterday's running high and decided to meet the early downtown group this morning. We did the "Friday Five(-ish)" route because the person who WAS going to lead ended up having to cancel... and nobody else was feeling very creative or ambitious. 😂 It happens.
Anyway, we did the approx. 5 mile loop, felt amazingly easy to run the pace we did, though I struggled to catch my breath the first couple of miles due to the temps around the freezing mark. Still, a great run and looking forward to more! MARATHONNNNNN.

Did: core, PT, bodyweight strength
Got in a short strength session and did pushups, stretching, and core/PT. I did P90X Ab Ripper routine, all of my PT, some various bodyweight strength exercises. Felt good to get in a short session.

Did: 12.0 mi @ 9:16/mi avg w/ stroller
This run felt SO. GOOD. I did the first 8 miles solo (with D in the stroller) starting from the park near the zoo downtown. I ran North on the Swamp Rabbit Trail, which meant climbing up out of Falls Park and finally flattening out (or gradually climbing the rest of the way) to just past the Swamp Rabbit Grocery before turning around and going back to meet my friend Megan & her little one. I felt like I was flying, and I clocked one mile at 8:11! Had a couple of sub-9 miles. Got back to the car, met up with Megan, then we did a shorter out-and-back for the final 4 miles. We got sleeted on for about 30 seconds, but that chilled the temps significantly. While the first 8 were comfortable, it was COLD by the end, and we were all glad to get back in the car. Great long run!
I was even good and stretched by the fire once I got home!

Did: 12.4 mi mountain bike ride
Met up with the Upstate SORBA group for a casual ladies' ride this afternoon. Started at White Duck Taco / Birds Fly South and pedaled down the Swamp Rabbit Trail to try out the new Sliding Rock Creek Trail and some of the existing trails around Cleveland Park. It was just a few miles of actual single track, with the rest on the Swamp Rabbit, but it ended up being a nice fun ride at a casual pace, and of course meeting other gals who mountain bike is always a bonus. Plus, the tacos afterwards were on point.

Week-ending thoughts/summary
MPW goal: 25+
Goal = met!
Ended up with a bit over 27 miles for the week. Quite happy with this! Thankfully the weather cooperated and gave some nice running opportunities through the week. Hoping that continues. Feeling good!

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