Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving week - beginning of #RWRunStreak 2018!

Week-beginning thoughts: It's Monday. Run streak will be 41 days this year

Did: strength
A bit of a lackluster lifting session today, but got it done and also worked in some more stretching because it felt so nice to do yesterday at yoga! My hips/legs are so inflexible. Need to be better about stretching (I always say that).

Did: 6.31 mi @ 8:07/mi avg #10kTuesday (3 consecutive)
Yesssss so happy with this run! The temps were perfect - upper 40s/low 50s - from start to finish. Ran with a couple of the faster guys from the early downtown group so I knew it would be a push to stick with them, and I was right. It felt hard but good! I was worried they wouldn't show up (the early group has been a little flaky/thin recently) but they did and saved me from a 10k Treadmill edition. We did the RU7 route and cut off the loop around the zoo which mentally seems shorter, but it makes you go allll the way up from one end of Main Street to the other (i.e. gradual but hilly). Felt so good though - yay!

Did: rest
Walked a little on the treadmill desk, but after yesterday's pretty hard run I figured rest was good for tomorrow's planned race. Plus, Friday will probably be active rather than the usual rest...

Did: TreesGreenville Turkey Day 8k
Race Report here

Did: 3.02 @ 10:05/mi avg
Just a few short stroller miles in the neighborhood for Run Streak day 2/41.
Post-run selfie
Did: 9.5 mi mountain biking
Headed down to Isaqueena with a group from Piney Mountain (Tad, Sonya, John, and Brandy). It was a fun, casual ride but nice to get out in the woods on two wheels, as always! I wasn't sure it would be a good ride based on the cold + rain, but the showers moved out just in time and we had a really great ride.
It wasn't as bad as it sounded.

The crew

Post-ride refreshments
And I did my 1-mile loop in the neighborhood when I got home for the #RWRunStreak Day 3/41. 7:39/mi avg for the just-over-1-mile loop.

Did: 8.55 mi @ 9:08/mi w/ stroller
D and I were out in TR this afternoon for a nice stroller run on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Just an out and back in two directions with no real goals, just spending time running. Was a beautiful afternoon for a run, and we both enjoyed our time together. Keepin' the #RWRunStreak alive for Day 4/41.
North End of the SRT

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