Sunday, November 11, 2018

Now that's more like it.

Did: strength
Felt good and motivated today. Got in a solid lift, 4 rounds of everything, working back up to max. weights from where I was before. I think I'll be sore tomorrow.

Also, sometimes a shared gym is gross. 😖
Did: 6.2 mi treadmill ladder #10kTuesday - starting the streak again!
Got on the treadmill this morning for a ladder 10k Tuesday workout. Considered running outside, but it was grey and drizzly and I didn't have any kind of light-up gear, so was safer indoors at work. I was struggling by mile 2, but pushed through and the back half of the run went by pretty well. Did a 400/400/800/1200/800/400/400 with 400 rest in between each, plus 1 mile warm up and cooldown on each end. All of the speed intervals were between 6:30-7:00/mi pace, which is slow for speedwork but considering I've not done any in over a month, I guess I can't be too disappointed.

Did: 10.5 mi stationary bike intervals
Wanted to get up and ride the trainer at home this morning but sleep won that battle... it was the right choice. Didn't have time to pack up my bike for an actual ride this morning but I threw some bike shorts into my bag "just in case" and got down to the gym after a morning meeting ended early - hurray! I'm not a fan of the stationary bike but eh, better than nothing and worked up a good sweat.

Did: 4.6 mi @ 8:12/mi avg
This was SUCH A GOOD RUN. I headed out in the afternoon, which is usually a terrible time, plus it had just started raining. I said "whatever" and went out anyway, and I was grinning the entire run.

Also, apparently it ended up being a progression run?? Nice.

Did: nada
Yeahhhhh it's a rest day. Actually feel like I earned it this week!

Did: 10.1 mi @ 9:37/mi
Got out right at sunrise for some solo miles with the goal of making it to double-digits for the first time since injury. It was nice and cold but felt perfect for a run! Started out through Green Valley, took the Swamp Rabbit down to Furman, and looped through campus before heading home. Felt good and steady throughout the run and of course loved having this done before breakfast. YES I'M BACK!!

Did: 20.7 mi road bike ride
Went out for a solo road ride in the afternoon, and quickly found that the legs were more tired than I'd anticipated. My goal was still to do ~20 miles, but I did the first half on more challenging hills then followed it with some Swamp Rabbit + Furman miles to finish up. A lovely crisp fall ride!

Week-ending thoughts:
I didn't even both with week-beginning thoughts this time since things never seem to go as planned. Finally a good week, though! Of course next week will be challenging again due to travel for work. I'll do my best!

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