Thursday, November 22, 2018

Race Report: TurkeyDay 8k

I didn't train specifically for this race and didn't have any goals, just to enjoy the morning with this family tradition and run with D in the stroller.
It was chilly!
Before the 8k & 5k started, there was a 1/4 Mile "Tot Trot" for the kids.
At the start line
I keep thinking he'll get the hang of these things, but he tends to get freaked out by so many people being around and only wants to cling to my hand and walk. We walked most of the way, then he sprinted about 50 meters, tripped, and then wanted to be carried the rest of the way. Oh well, he earned his medal just like everybody else.
All the Tots were bib #1
Then it was quickly time for us to get lined up for the start of the race. We had corrals on our bibs, but it wasn't enforced at all and the pace signs along the start were WAY too close together for the number of people in the race. Like 10 feet apart and then by the time we inched our way forward (with the stroller) we only made it up to like the 11-14:00/mi area. Oh well.
Here we go!
I don't have much to say about the race itself, other than I spent the entirety of the time trying to get around people. I rarely got to a point where I could just steadily run the pace I wanted to run. It's obvious by the pace graph that I was all over the map... getting stuck behind people, breaking free, sprinting to the next roadblock, and then doing it all over again.
Range from 14:00/mi to under 7:00/mi
I did have lots of nice people who offered encouragements and kudos as I sprinted by with the stroller. Scott stuck with us the entire race, which was also nice, and we were able to finish the race together.
The worst part was the very end of the race, where with a 1/2 mile to go, we re-joined the 5k course to head to the finish... which was uphill and narrowed down to 1 lane due to construction. I ended up walking a lot of the final stretch because everyone in front of me was walking!
My feelings

We did still manage a sub-45 time (sub-9 pace) for the race, which is respectable with the stroller and given the conditions.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Will definitely consider a more strategic way to get to the start line next year... it's not bad enough that I'll swear off the event forever, just need to remember it and figure out how to adjust!

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