Monday, September 3, 2018

Better week?

Week beginning thoughts: This will be a better week.

Did: strength
Did a short session (30-mins) but forgot to bring shoes, so I wore my toe shoes and for some reason I don't feel comfortable using the gym equipment or heavy weights when I wear toe shoes. It's not like running shoes provide that much protection from the droppage of a 40+lb weight, but still... mental thing, I guess. Plusalso I didn't really feel like lifting anyway, so it was an excuse. Did mostly body weight exercises, all of my core PT, and other random stuff.

Did: #10kTuesday track workout
Ahhh yes, track Tuesdays are a thing! Met up with a small crew this morning (4 of us) to do a ladder workout at the track. This was HARD. I do not like running a 1200. Newp. But got it done and of course felt awesome when it was finished. I didn't have a lot of speed today, probably due to not eating food before I ran... just didn't feel like having my PB oat bar today.

1.1 WU @ 9:14/mi

2x400/200 recovery - 1:37, 1:40 (already slowwwww)
800/400 - 3:25 for the 800 (slowwww again)
1200/400 - 5:23 (that's like a 5k pace... zzzzzz)
800/400 - 3:45 (lololol)
2x400/200 - 1:43, 1:40

1.1 CD @ 8:45/mi

Out of the 4 of us, I was the slowest when usually I'm one of the fastest. Oh well, can't win 'em all. I still finished only about 200m behind the person out front, so at least I didn't get lapped. Felt good to get in the 10k in a solid 50 minutes!

Did: 39 min trainer ride
Another early morning on the trainer, and another day that I'm glad I did. Did the same interval routine as before but during the 10-min cooldown, I did a little hard 30-sec push every 2 minutes, which was an ice way to break up the "long" 10 steady minutes.

Did: 4.2 mi @ 8:41/mi 
Lunch run in the heat of the day but still not too bad on pace. This was just a "junk miles" run but still was good to get out and do it.

Did: rest

Did: 13.1 mi mountain biking
Went up to Pisgah with some mountain biking friends and had a lovely morning/day. It wasn't quite the ride we planned originally due to some mechanical issues on one of the bikes in our group, but it was still a great day in the forest on 2 wheels.
A good day, indeed.
Did: 6.4 mi run/walk w/ stroller
Started out running and not sure if it was dehydration, poor sleep, hot sunshine, or what... but I was NOT feeling it, mentally or physically, so it turned into a stroller walk through the neighborhood. Whatever!

Week ending thoughts: um. idk. Still a better week, but man, rough ending!

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