Sunday, September 23, 2018

Some weeks are like that.

Ughhh ok so now it's Saturday and I'm starting the week's blog.... let's just say it's not been that great of a week for exercise.

Did: nada

Did: track #10kTuesday
I put forth the workout for today and we ended up doing 3x3x400 in a progression of 10k, 5k, and 1M pace. I've done this on the treadmill before but never on a track. It's a great way to test out your own gauge of pace!

10k 400s (target 1:55) - 1:52, 1:54, 1:59 (not bad!)
5k 400s (target 1:45) - 1:50, 1:46, 1:47 (eh, slow)
1M 400s (target 1:35) - 1:39, 1:41, 1:35 (finally hit it on the last one!)

Overall 6.21 mi @ 8:05/mi avg.

Did: nothing

Did: 4.1 mi @ 8:47/mi avg
Ran early around the neighborhood because, if this week confirms anything for me, it's that things just WON'T happen if I don't get them done before work. So early I go. And it just sets the rest of the day in a better rhythm.

Did: zip

Did: 10.04 mi @ 9:05/mi avg
Stroller run on the swamp rabbit trail today with my little dude. Loved the long miles and lack of pressure for any schedule or speed. We ran from Furman to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe - stopped for a scone ("bixit" according to D) and some playtime before the return trip. I was definitely faster on the first half vs. the return trip...

5 there: 8:45, 8:38, 8:27, 8:25, 8:41
5 back: 9:27, 9:01, 8:43, 9:37, 10:27

Yup, totally pooped out at the end, but it was getting late and hot. /excuses
Still really happy with those first 5 miles though!
Strollin' with my homie 😎
Did: 19.1 mi mountain biking
Did the early Sunday morning #dirtchurch ride with some good folks - Waylon, his friend Alex, and John & Brandy. Started off with meeting up at Sunrift to caravan up to Dupont.
Sunrise at Sunrift
Started out at Fawn Lake Access with the lovely climb up Mine Mountain (oof), some fun things including Hilltop, Locust Hill, and Ridgeline, then we climbed up Lake Imaging Road (not fun) before proceeding on the gravel roads to Lake Julia to get to Reasonover Creek Trail.
John always gets some sweet pics on Ridgeline
I got out ahead of the crew during the ~2-3 mile climb on Reasonover, so I stopped just as the downhill started at the intersection with Turkey Knob.
Quiet trails
As I was thinking to myself, 'My, it's so peaceful and quiet out here' I noticed movement just a bit down Turkey Knob, and I figured it was another biker coming up the trail. To my surprise, it was a BEAR. 🐻 It was a small black bear, older than a new baby, but definitely a young cub. It noticed me and turned to look curiously, then continued on its way across the trail and into the woods. I looked around me frantically for mama bear, who was thankfully nowhere nearby (that I saw, at least). I anxiously awaited the arrival of the others, and considered just going on down the trail by myself just to get away from the area, but figured I didn't really want to go anywhere too far without others near me. Yikes!

Excitement behind us, we all made it back to the car uneventfully from that point.

Week-ending thoughts: It's time to make some plans. I keep saying I need to train for something or have some goal, it's time to do it. Enough excuses.

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