Sunday, September 9, 2018

Well then.

So, it's already Thursday... 😐

Monday (Labor Day)
Did: nothing
Well, I did yardwork and walked around the zoo with D. Happy Labor Day holiday?

Did: 6.21 mi @ 10:02/mi
This run almost didn't happen at all. With Scott traveling, there was no early morning group run since I had to get D to daycare. Was going to do my run first thing at work, but after a holiday weekend, I felt like I needed to get into the office and do some work first thing. So I think, ok, I'll run at lunch. Then at 10:15 I get an email from daycare saying they had to close at noon to have the building fumigated and all kids had to be picked up. UGH. So I pick him up and plan to run with him in the stroller... then I had a conference call, so I did that and planned to run after... then I had another conference call and planned to run at the end of the day (~4:30) at which time I noticed it was raining.
So I got together an early dinner and when we finished around 6:30 it had stopped raining so DARN IT WE WENT RUNNING.
Did: 40 mins bike trainer
Ahhhh getting the workout done early. Did my usual intervals routine and as usual, was happy to have it finished to start off the day.

Did: nada
Was going to run loops close to the house early in the morning with D still asleep at home, and planned to stop every loop to check the baby monitor. I didn't feel great about this to begin with, but the 3 ENORMOUS spiders & spiderwebs stretching across the entire front entrance of the house when I opened the door were the final straw. I said nope and went back inside. I'll run later.
ETA: Did not run later.

Did: 4.89 mi @ 9:16/mi
Since Thursday's run got spider'd, and Scott is back in town but taking the day off from work, I jumped on the opportunity to join the early downtown crew for their Friday Five run. Small group but got to see a few people I haven't seen in probably several months, so it was great catching up and made the miles tick by. This run felt harder than it should have for a 9:16/mi pace but I'll chalk it up to too many early mornings and the fact that zomg it's finally Friday. 🎉

Did: 9.28 mi @ 10:20/mi
This run was, again, harder than it should have been. I'd left my car downtown last night (intentionally) so I could run to it this morning with D in the stroller. We all slept in this morning (yay, needed) and got rolling around 8:45am. I thought it was comfortable, but turned out it was not so much. Definitely sweating by the time we got downtown. Did a bit of walking at the start & end of the run which affected pace a bit. The ~6-7 miles in the middle were all sub-10 pace with one sub-9, so I don't feel like this was a total crap run. Ended up with a nice stroll around the downtown market!

Did: 11.4 mi mountain biking
Yay #dirtchurch with friends at Dupont. This is becoming a routine, and I'm liking it a whole lot. Met up with John & Brandy, and their friend (Josh?) for a nice morning in the forest. Scott & D did a gravel ride then rode the kid's bike trail which D is 1) awesome at and 2) loves. SO FUN. I rode with the "grown ups" and enjoyed a nice loop which included both of Dupont's finest downhills (Rocky Ridge & Ridgeline Trails). John even captured a sweet pic of me coming down Ridgeline:
Looks like I even know what I'm doing...

Week-ending thoughts: 😄

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