Monday, April 30, 2018

Another week.

Did: 20 mins strength/core
I didn't even bother writing down today's workout because it was so short, and at least half of it was my core PT / stability ball exercises. I did mostly upper body stuff for the rest of it. I was pressed for time and it was the end of the day after a really tiring Monday that felt more like a Wednesday for some reason. Ugh. And the rain doesn't help.

Did: 6.2 mi @ 8:23/mi #10kTuesday treadmill 3x3x400 speedwork
Rain and busy meeting schedule and solo parenting = treadmill speedwork in the morning for #10kTuesday. I really wanted to run outside, but resigned myself to the hamster wheel after looking at the forecast and my schedule for the day. Turned out to be (as usual) a good workout, and (again, as usual) happy to have it out of the way first thing. Now I can focus better!
Dem splits.
Did my current go-to treadmill workout of 3x400 at 10k pace, 3x400 at 5k pace, and 3x400 at 1M pace. I had the treadmill set on a sub-6 pace for the 1-mile paces, but the accel/decel time made it a bit slower overall. I was working HARD by the end of this. Woohoo!
Did: 1.4 mi @ 8:30/mi + core PT and weights
It was SO gorgeous outside that I just had to go out for a quick run before lifting. I didn't have much time for a workout in general, but squeezed it in. After a run, did my core PT on the stability ball, then a few lifts before calling it good.

Did: 9.3 mi stationary bike + Big 5 stretching
I never feel like the stationary bike is a great workout, but man, my profuse sweating would say otherwise. I did the "hill climb" program today and it was tough!

Did: rest

Did: 10.02 mi @ 10:23/mi avg w/ stroller
D and I met up with Robin & Dale to do 6 miles from Furman on the Swamp Rabbit trail. The weather man on the tv said it was in the 50s, so I donned capris and long sleeves. Um, no... too warm. It was at least in the 60s when we started out, so I was glad I had a singlet under my long sleeves. I didn't even start running with it on! After we parted ways, Super D and I finished up with another 4 miles on the trail and felt great. Even had a sub-9 pace for the final mile! Hooray double-digit stroller run.

Did: 14.3 mi mountain biking
Family mountain biking day! It was a beautiful weekend, so we headed up to Bent Creek outside of Asheville for some mountain biking. Scott pulled D in the trailer on gravel roads for the entire ride, and I did a few side loops of singletrack where available. It actually worked out really well, despite my navigational challenges (thank goodness for the MTB Project app!).
The ride included over 1800 ft of elevation gain and a rolling average of 7.9 mph - that's definitely fast for me! :)
Enjoyed post-ride beer and lunch at Hillman Beer

Week-ending thoughts:
Uhhhh.... still not much to say here. Not training for anything, but enjoying staying in pretty good shape overall. Kinda want to train for something, but kinda don't. I'm keeping my options and my eyes & ears open...

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