Sunday, May 6, 2018

Spring has arrived!

Did: lifting

Increased weights on several things and felt good, but I can tell I'm going to be SORE. Also kept good form on the pull-ups which tells me I need to move down in the counterweight soon. 

Did: 6.21 mi @ 10:40/mi avg
Ran early downtown with Robin & Dale, weirdly chilly (mid-40s) for as warm as the daytime gets... but I'm not complaining! I know it'll be short-lived. As usual, good to get this done early so I can focus on the day ahead. Oh, and I was right... hammies, glutes, and just about everything else are SORE from yesterday.

Did: 1.8 mi treadmill desk walk
Busy day at work, legs still sore from Monday... plus knowing Friday would be the 5k March of Dimes walk, decided to just make to day a rest day.

Did: 10.8 mi bike ride
Rode at lunch with Robin today - gorgeous, warm, spring day! A little breezy at times, but overall felt great to be out on the bike. Hooray!

Did: 5k March of Dimes walk
I didn't even bother with tracking this on Garmin, but it was a nice family walk through Cleveland Park & downtown Greenville in the evening.
Marching for Babies!
Did: 9.24 mi @ 9:09/mi avg
Stroller run with Super D on a lazy Saturday morning. Yes, somehow running 9+ miles with a stroller constitutes "lazy"... anyway, it was a nice run, got quite warm towards the end, but was nice to just get out and log some miles with my little running buddy on the Swamp Rabbit Trail.

Did: 15.6 mi mountain biking
Got a solo trip out to Pleasant Ridge this morning to do some loops on the JFA trail. I did two full loops, 5.6 miles each. My current PR for a loop is about 45 minutes based on previous Garmin data that I could find. Today I did not one, but TWO loops under that... Loop 1 was 42:03, and Loop 2 was 41:28. Crazy! Pretty happy with that. I even went for a third but kept it short (there are a few shortcuts along the way) and despite sliding and falling on the gravel road at the beginning of the third loop (gonna have a bruised left side tomorrow) I felt great! Really happy with the ride today. :)

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