Monday, April 2, 2018

Action-packed Easter

Did: strength
Had to reduce the superset activities because my PT exercises are taking over and occupying ALL of my workout time. *sigh* Was a good session, though, but I did something to my right shoulder and now it hurts. It's always something!

Did: #10kTuesday treadmill ladder - 58th consecutive week
I posted to the early downtown group last night but as of this morning, the only person who'd said they'd be there had backed out... and I'm just not brave enough to attempt downtown in the early morning hours by myself. So into work I went and actually KILLED it on the treadmill with a ladder workout @ 5k pace.
10k PR is 47:39 and I was below 46 minutes when I hit 5.9 miles. JUST SAYIN'
Yeah. By the time I'd reached my cooldown, I could have easily pressed onward at a faster pace and gotten a PR for a 10k. WHAT? However, I refuse to PR on the treadmill, so I slowed down and cooled down as I'd planned. BUT STILL. 0_0

Did: 10.5 mi @ 16.0 mph road bike ride
Solo road ride today, did the hill + USC Upstate loop. Managed 16 mph average despite 10+mph headwinds for part of the ride! BLEH. Felt nice though, even though the sun didn't come out as I'd hoped.

Did: 4.5 mi @ 8:32/mi cross-country run
Didn't feel like speedwork today, plus had a hard run Tuesday that my legs are STILL a little sore from (what??) so I decided on an "easy" (yeah right) run at lunch on the cross-country trails. Was a gorgeous spring day and really just wanted to get out in the sunshine a bit. Felt so nice!

Friday - Holiday!
Did: 16.5 mi mountain biking
The rare treat when daycare is open but work is on holiday = mountain biking for mom & dad! We went to Tsali (near Bryson City / Cherokee NC) and enjoyed a great day on the trails. We got sprinkled on a little bit, but the sun came out towards the end of our ride and it was just perfect. The trail system consists of 4 loops (Left, Right, Mouse, and Thompson), but only 2 are open to bikes on any given day. We got to ride Left and Right loop. We started on Left loop with the knowledge that Right loop has several opportunities for short-cuts if we got tired.
River and reservoir that Left Loop went around

At the top of Left Loop.
We did an extra little side-loop to see the overlook... it was worth it!
Bikes at the overlook
Gorgeous view
We finished up Left Loop and proceeded to the next intersection where we decided we'd tackle Right Loop. We ended up doing ALL of Right Loop for a total of 16.5 miles and 1,500 ft of climbing!
Decisions, decisions

Got a little muddy
Yep. Mud.
Felt really good about this ride and excited for next weekend - I've signed up for the Fire Mountain Enduro, and all-women's mountain bike race. My first "real" mountain bike race. Eeeek!

Did: rest
I'd thought of doing a long stroller run today, but realized I hadn't had a rest day all week so decided to be lazy.

Sunday - Easter
Did: 12.01 mi @ 9:28/mi avg
After not getting a long run yesterday, I got the wild idea to run Altamont from the house (9 miles round-trip) when we got home from Easter Sunday church service. A few miles into the run, I then decided "Hmm, I kind of want 12 miles today."
So I did.
The Mountain.
Ran up and back, total ascent time 23:26, then did a loop around Furman to get to 12 total.
I made it!
Felt great, but didn't realize the warm Easter sunshine gave me a sweet head start on my sports bra tan for the summer.
Whoops. Gotta remember the sunscreen from now on!

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