Monday, April 23, 2018


Did: strength
Continued with the different routine of all lifting followed by core/PT exercises.

Did: #10kTuesday (61 consecutive weeks) - 6.21 mi @ 9:20/mi avg
Planned to run with Megan downtown this morning but happened to start at the same time as the rest of the early downtown group. We were all doing different distances/paces, so by the end it was just Megan and me. Felt good and steady through the run, and of course, loved getting this done by the time the sun was coming up. Also, WTF on this weather? It's MID APRIL!
Um, what??
Did: 14.4 mi @ 15.8 mph avg road bike ride
Road bike ride w/ Scott today - and spring weather is back! It was a little breezy but not too bad. Felt good, and ended up with a good average speed despite the wind.

Did: 2.92 mi @ 9:29/mi avg trail run + Short Track Race #2 (5.1 mi mountain biking)
Ended the workday with a little trail run just to get a few more miles in, then changed and headed over to Gateway Park for Short Track Race #2. I was tired and hungry before the race started, so it's no surprise that I placed 4th out of 4 women in the Beginner/Sport category. Ah well, can't podium 'em all.

Did: nothing
I even tried to walk on the treadmill desk, but it kept tripping the emergency stop for no reason, so I got annoyed and quit after 0.8 miles.

Did: 8.02 mi @ 9:28/mi avg w/ Megan and stroller
Gorgeous morning for a stroller run on the Swamp Rabbit w/ Megan! We meandered to the north and turned around just past the memorial gardens in TR, heading back to where we started at Furman. Just a nice, comfortable run and good times with a friend. :) Really enjoyed this run!

Did: nothing
The threat of rain and the residual tiredness from Saturday afternoon's beer festival was enough to keep me indoors for the day (yes, on Earth Day, boo) - not to mention the 5 loads of laundry that desperately needed attention.

Week-ending thoughts: Ugh, I feel lazy. I need to train for something.

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