Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Busy week and my first Enduro

Did: strength
Got a bit of a late start and had a lot of PT to work in, so instead of super-setting I just did several sets of lifts and then saved the PT for the end (when the gym would be getting busy with the lunchtime crowd). This worked out great and I got a lot of lifting in! Felt really strong today.
Did: #10kTuesday - 6.21 mi @ 11:47/mi avg
Got to run with my favorite ladies today! They both agreed to meet butt-early to run downtown, and it was a beautiful morning for a 10k as the sun rose over Greenville.
Runner friends 
Did: 14.4 mi @ 15.6 mph avg road bike ride
Lunch ride with Scott today - boy it was WINDY. oooof. But a good challenging ride and nice to get out w/ Scott for a change.

Did: treadmill speedwork (5x400) + Short Track MTB Race (4.5 mi @ 9.7 mph avg)
Was able to get in a quick speedwork session on the treadmill right before I had to leave to head to the Short Track race. Did a quick warm-up, then 5x400 @ 1-mile pace with 200 recovery in between. These were hard (look at that heartrate!) but over quickly.
So many splits, so little time.
Wrapped that up, then changed and went to Gateway Park for the first of four Short Track races for the 2018 season. Usually the Beginner/Intermediate category goes for 30 minutes and you do as many laps as you can in the allotted time, but because of the time crunch with the sun setting around 7:45, we had to shorten it to 25 minutes. That was fine by me! These are always harder than I anticipate because it's basically a sprint for the entire duration. I was one of two females in the entire category, and I was happy to get the 5 laps I got. Averaged 9.7 mph over the 4.5 miles.

Did: nothing
Rest day was needed before the big race weekend!

Saturday & Sunday
Did: Ladies' Mountain Bike weekend at Fire Mountain
Read the weekend report here!

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