Sunday, April 15, 2018

Solo week

Scott's in Germany all week for work, so that automatically makes everything seem busier even if it really isn't!

Did: strength
I've officially been "released" from PT, but I'm not cured/healed yet. So it's now up to me to continue doing my exercises and modifying appropriately. I'm excited to bring a few things back in the coming weeks, but trying to take it slowly to build strength gradually and not dive right in.
I also took it easy on my legs today after the hard weekend of biking.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:29/mi avg + Big 5
The sun's up early enough for me to run outside at work in the morning! Yippeeeee. I had zero thoughts, plans, or goals for this run - just a steady run. Turns out my "steady" is pretty decent! Really happy with this run, especially since I could still feel the tiredness on my legs from the weekend. 

Did: 10.5 mi @ 16.4 mph road bike ride
Nice solo ride today - beautiful sunshine. Felt good and turns out it was a pretty fast ride! Maybe all those hills this weekend helped my speed.

Did: core PT, 2.36 mi @ 8:45/mi avg, Big 5
Started off with my core PT routine (about 20 mins) on the stability ball, moving planks, and wipers.
Next headed out in the glorious sunshine for a little cross-country run on the trails at work, no pace or distance in mind, just wanted to keep it easy and shake out the legs for a couple of miles before Saturday's upcoming race. Turns out 8:45/mi pace is "nice and easy" even on trails. Well then.
Finished with Big 5 stretches.

Did: rest
Resting up for the weekend

Did: Ville to Ville Relay
Race report:

Did: recovery
Yep, the quads are definitely feeling the efforts from those hills. And it's raining. That makes for a gooooood rest day. :)

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