Sunday, March 25, 2018

Normal week?

Did: strength

Good session today, and probably going to be sore tomorrow due to not lifting last week. Whee!

Did: 6.24 mi @ 7:57/mi avg
Whew, thank you early downtown run group for pushing this into a tempo run! Man I had to work hard for this, but totally worth it. Ran in the early morning fog/humidity and it was like running through pea soup, but at least it wasn't HOT. Just humid. Had a nice group and they were cool enough to take my suggested route edits to make a perfect #10kTuesday. Yessss!

PT Appointment
I also had an afternoon PT appointment, and honestly, I should count it as a second workout for the day because the therapist kicked my BUTT. I was sweating for almost an hour of core exercises. Lots of work on the stability ball, some stretches, and some "tests" with planking. I held a low plank for almost 2.5 minutes, and then a little over a minute each of side planks (elbows) and supine plank (also elbows). That was hard. But hey, if it was easy, it probably wouldn't be doing anything!

Did: 4.65 mi @ 8:45/mi avg, 8x hill repeats
Originally wanted to bike today, but with 15-20mph wind gusts, I opted to put it off until tomorrow. So, hill repeats it is! I'm focusing on hills for the next 3 weeks leading up to the Ville-to-Ville Relay on April 14th. I'm running the "Hillman" leg, so need to get lots of elevation under my belt.

The Hillman
I trotted over to USC Upstate and ran down and up both sides of the little "valley" near campus 4 times, making a total of 8 hill repeats. They aren't as long as they should be for really good hill repeats, but they certainly get the heartrate pumping.

Yep. Heartrate hills!
Happy that each of my splits for the hills were sub-7! The last one just barely, but hey, it counts.

Followed this by my PT workouts on the stability ball - tough stuff!

Did: nothing

Did: Milliken Earth Run 5k
Not bothering with a race report for this one - it's our "home court" cross-country 5k event at work for the Corporate Shield series. I'm always on the race organizing team. I didn't feel well yesterday, so didn't really intend to race today. Still pulled off a (barely) sub-25 time, which I was happy about considering the circumstances, plus the rain held off and it turned out to be a great day for the race!
The home team
Did: 7.9 mi mountain biking @ 6.8 mph avg moving speed
Today was a Ladies' Ride at Dupont. The forecast was temps hovering between freezing and 40F, and we ended up with just that... and getting pelted with ice about halfway through the ride! Was a great time in the woods with lady shredders, and enjoyed camaraderie afterwards at Swamp Rabbit Brewery. Fun day!

Rock Quarry

Nice views!
Edited to add: more group pics from the rock quarry!


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