Sunday, November 26, 2017

Recovery Week 2

Week Beginning thoughts: This will be a holiday week / race week / not-really-training-for-anything week. Still no plan to follow but doing work.

Did: strength
100 pushups total. Huzzah!

Good session, a little bit less PT to allow for more time lifting since my mileage is much much lower. Want to build some leg strength to help on the bike for (hopefully) a good triathlon season next year.
Squat machine got me like #gymselfie
Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:12/mi avg 
Made this a little bit of a speed session just for funsies and to wake up the legs for Thursday's upcoming race (Turkey Day 8k). I planned it out in my head as I was warming up, and set out to do 1mi WU / 4mi @ 8/mi pace / 1mi CD

Um, nailed it?

Did: treadmill desk walking
Really today is a rest day in preparation for tomorrow's 8k race, but I couldn't just sit on my butt so I spent a good while on the treadmill desk getting stuff done. Walked about 2.5 miles at a casual pace. Legs were super sore yesterday from the speed miles and lifting on Monday, so the walk helped loosen them up as well.
Rainbow in the fountain - views from the treadmill desk.
Thursday - Thanksgiving Day
Did: TreesGreenville Turkey Day 8k, #RWRunStreak Day 1
Race report here

It's the most RUNderful time of the year!
Did: 2.39 mi run @ 8:36/mi
Just a short run today for the #RWRunStreak Day 2. Beautiful, sunny, cool. Perfect running weather!
Horse farm run
Did: 2.88 mi run @ 9:17/mi
Wanted to get a long run in this morning, but emergency vet trip squashed those plans. Got in a nice quick run at sunset to keep the #RWRunStreak Day 3 going!
Sunset + disco vest
Did: 21.3 mi bike @ 12.8mph + 1.18 mi run @ 9:09/mi w/ stroller
Family bike ride this morning down to the playground near the zoo, and a stop at Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery for a scone and coffee. Beautiful morning and I'm looking forward to more family outings now that I'm done being a crazy marathoner for the time being. ;)
Got home and hopped into the running shoes for a quick loop around the neighborhood w/ D in the stroller. @RWRunStreak Day 4 complete.

Week-Ending Thoughts: I'm already antsy about next year's plans knowing how busy it will be due to this. I'm also having mixed feelings about Thursday's race. On the one hand, I'm obviously disappointed that I didn't PR. On the other hand, it takes off pressure to find a 5k to PR before the end of the year! ;)  I've got some ideas for 2018 brewing, but want to let them simmer for a while before I write anything out.

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