Sunday, August 13, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 5 of 18

Week 5, here we go
Week beginning thoughts: I'M SO GLAD I'M NOT INJURED. Yay. This week is forecast for rain ALL week. But going to make the best of it and try to stick with plan.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Meh. Got it done. Today wasn't a thrilling day.

Planned: 7 m run
Did: #10kTuesday and then some... 7.0 mi @ 8:20/mi avg
Aaaaaand here's where #10kTuesday is no longer enough for my mid-week semi-long run. Started off with a bang: a treadmill run without music! BLEH. I forgot my earbuds (or so I thought... now I can't find them at my desk, so turns out they were probably in my gym bag all along). I watched the treadmill TV on Closed-Captioning for the hour. I varied the speed here and there, cranked it up towards the end. Felt really good with the overall pace I kept! 

Planned: XT + 3 m run
Did: 8.9 mi bike + 3.0 mi run
Awww yesss got both workouts done at lunch today with Robin. It was almost like tri training! Was a lovely cloudy and (relatively) cool day. We rode the Upstate loop sans hill for a total of 8.9 miles @ 13.3 mph, then we set out for a run as soon as we got back. Did an out-and-back on Hwy 9 for our 3-miler and averaged right at a 10:00/mi pace. Felt really good to get both of these knocked out!

Planned: 3 m run
Did: 3.58 mi @ 8:24/mi avg
I had thought of doing #SpeedworkThursday, but then I felt off all morning and decided to just head out for a regular ol' run. Turns out I ended up doing a solid progression run anyway! 😂
Mile Splits. Nice.
Feeling alright now, still a little weird but probably after lunch and lots of water will feel right back to normal. 

Planned: rest
Did: yoga
#yogaFridays are the bomb diggity.

Planned: 7 14 m run
Did: 14.01 mi @ 11:03/mi avg w/ stroller
Yep, I ran 14 miles with the stroller. Woof. And it was like... 99% humidity. SO GROSS. But 'tis done, and thankfully I had a wonderful variety of company through most of the run! Now for a shower...
After we'd departed from the crew, we ran through Furman and saw the "horse!" in front of the football stadium. 
[Edited for additional commentary - I was too exhausted to write more yesterday!]

So yeah... I got up, ate breakfast, fed D breakfast, then we headed over to park at Furman and meet Robin, Dale, Megan & her little one in the stroller, all of whom were already getting in some earlier miles. We all headed off southward on the Swamp Rabbit trail. Dale peeled off about half a mile later, and us ladies (plus D) continued southward. At the Sulphur Springs crossing we said goodbye to Megan & little A as they turned around to head home. Robin, D and I continued on to our turn-around point at the Swamp Rabbit Grocery where we had a brief pit stop. Of course D knows this as the place where we usually buy him a blueberry scone, but the line was SO long that we didn't have time to wait for one. He was asking for "biscuit" the rest of the run. 😋

Turned around and headed back north. Had to stop a few times and "talk" to D because he was fussing about wanting a snack... then not wanting a snack... then wanting water... then not wanting water. 😒 *sigh* Eventually he fell asleep and we had a quiet run back to Furman. Robin finished out her miles and headed to her car, and I had 4 miles remaining. We looped through campus, out around the football stadium, back down to the lake, then picked up the Swamp rabbit with just a mile left. I was definitely struggling the last mile... I know I didn't eat enough on the run (just some gummy chews) but it was challenging having already eaten a full breakfast before running. We got back to the car just as my watch buzzed for mile 14. Halleluia! 

I think the fact that we kept a slow pace (like these runs SHOULD be) was the saving grace for me, and was why I wasn't totally wiped out the rest of the day (though I did take an awesome afternoon nap). Pretty encouraged that I can take D on these long runs though! Whew.

Planned: 14 7 m run
Did: 7.02 mi @ 9:34/mi avg
Headed out for some early neighborhood miles solo. I thought it felt nice, but turns out it was still really awful humid even though the temperature was a bit lower. Looped around some of the usual neighborhood side-roads (and hills!). My pace was ALL over the map (fastest was 8:35, slowest was 10:40), probably a strong correlation to hills and overall tiredness from yesterday.

Week ending thoughts: Yep, this is starting to really feel like marathon training! Feeling good though, ankle still bugs me a little but doesn't seem to get any worse with running so I'm just going to give it time. Next week is a "step-back" week so my long run is *only* 10 miles. Wheeeee.

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