Sunday, August 27, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 7 of 18

Deep breath. Here we go. Week 7.
Planned: strength
Did: nothing
Worked from home to enable viewing of 100% totality during the solar eclipse. SO AMAZING. I can't put it into words. But no workout. I went to bed at 8:30pm Sunday night and slept for 9 hours. Still tried. It was time for a full rest day.

Planned: 8 mi
Did: 4.47mi @ 9:15/mi + 3.55mi @ 8:28/mi
Split this run into two parts, broken up by the commute to work. This was hard. I did 4.5 miles in the dark neighborhood before 6 a.m. and it was already gross and humid. The remaining 3.5 miles were at work, and I was SO ready to just get them DONE as can be seen from my pace.

Planned: XT + 4 mi
Did: 4.0 mi @ 7:34/mi avg
I think I might need to drop the bike rides for the rest of this training cycle, because it's just not feasible for me to work in a run longer than 3 miles AND a bike ride. My grand plan almost bit me in the butt today. In an effort to maximize my workday productivity, I planned to work from first thing in the morning, through lunch, and then leave in enough time to get in my 4-miler before hopping in the car and heading home. At least I wouldn't have to shower! It was all well and good until at 2:30 I got pulled into a last-minute meeting at the end of the day. ARGH. I was determined to make it work, though, so I finished up my work and rushed down to the treadmill to knock out the miles as quickly as possible. Strange how motivated I can be when the only thing standing between me and picking up baby boy is a 4 mile run. I did it in 30 minutes!! Looks like no #speedworkThursday will be necessary...
Pretty sure that's not really my heartrate... ?!
Planned: 4 mi
Did: 4.02 mi @ 8:50/mi
Ah, much calmer run today. Got this one done first thing in the morning and it was actually pretty nice outside! Hooray. I almost negative split it!

Legs are definitely tried though. Glad for rest day tomorrow. 🙌

Frontage Road runnin'. 
Planned: rest
Did: rest
We had a team lunch, so not even yoga today. I needed a full rest day, and I ate a HUGE lunch. Very necessary.

Planned: 8 mi race pace  16 mi
Did: 16.05 mi @ 11:20/mi avg w/ STROLLER
Longest stroller run ever, and boy did I feel it! That was tough. So thankful to have Robin along for the ride! We changed things up and started at the Greenville Zoo near downtown. Hopped right onto the Swamp Rabbit trail and ran north just to Furman's campus, then turned around and headed back. We stopped for a little bio break at Swamp Rabbit Cafe, plus gave little man a few minutes to run around in their play area. He did SO well in the stroller for 3+ hours, I was really impressed. He got rewarded with some swings and playground time after the run. This run was tough, but we took it at a pace that was manageable and I really don't think running without the stroller would have made it significantly easier, it just might have been a little bit faster. I'm good with it!
This chick's longest run EVER! 
Planned: 16 mi  8 mi race pace (target 8:35/mi)
Did: 8.03 mi @ 8:21/mi avg
Not going to lie, this run surprised me! I did not think I was going to hit my overall pace, much less hit it for 6 out of the 8 miles. The only two miles over pace were 8:55 on Mile 1, and 8:37 on Mile 7 (so close!). Plus I did sub-8 on the final mile? Yeah, I was ready to be done! Glad to knock this one out while it was still moderately cool outside. Almost got a teeny taste of fall running. SO EXCITED FOR THAT.

Week ending thoughts: Oh yeah. 40+ miles (40.11 to be exact) for the week? Feeling. It. Somehow I missed the fact that I was finally above the 30-35 mpw range. I'd hovered in the upper-20s for so long and now BAM here it is. I'm feeling pretty good and strong, but it's clear to me that I'm pushing the limits. That's what training is supposed to do, right? Another tough week coming up. Ready for it.

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