Sunday, August 6, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 4 of 18

Week Beginning Thoughts:
Yay, new training plan! I selected Hal Higdon's Intermediate 2 plan - it's similar to Intermediate 1 but with 3 20-milers instead of 2, and slightly higher weekly mileage overall. We'll see how it goes and I'll re-evaluate if needed. In general, my usual edits will apply... already added in the XT on Wednesdays for bike riding, Friday rest day will be yoga as often as possible, and occasionally the weekend not-as-long-run will be replaced by a bike ride. Thursday runs will incorporate some kind of speed work (intervals, tempo, hills, or Yasso 800s).

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Good one today. Feeling strong. Going to have to convince myself to just maintain through marathon training and not try to continue gaining in the strength category. The goal for strength during marathon training is to prevent injury.


Planned: 6 m run
Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:52/mi avg
Decided I didn't want to fool with running at work today, so I got up and out the door and made plans to meet Scott with the car at daycare (which is ~3 miles from our house) when he dropped little man off this morning. Looped through the neighborhood for a couple of miles until the sun was up enough to feel comfortable running out onto busier streets. Made my way to the Swamp Rabbit Trail and realized I was running late, so I hauled butt up to the daycare. My last 2 miles were speedy (8:09 & 8:01)! Felt great though, low humidity and beautiful crisp air. Ahh early runs!
Dawn over Paris Mountain
One negative: my right Achilles hurts on the inside of my heel. Hoping it's just a little tired and will get better but ehhhhh. I do not want to be injured this early in the game! 😨

Planned: XT + 3 m run
Did: 10.6 mi bike ride
Determined after some Googling this morning that, yep, I have done something to my right ankle/Achilles. Thankfully it doesn't hurt to bike on it, and even Dr. Google says that continuing to bike shouldn't aggravate it, so yay, I can do something. Might skip tomorrow's run and bike again unless I magically wake up pain-free.
Anyway, it was a beautiful day for a ride! Robin and I did the Upstate loop with the extra hill loop at the beginning, and it was nice and cloudy, not too warm, just very pleasant. 

Planned: 3 m run
Did: 14.4 mi bike ride @ 16.7 mph avg 
Whee, fast ride today! Opted to rest from running another day and get on the bike again, this time with a different coworker with whom I don't often bike. (I had to go back and edit the grammar of that last statement a few times). Apparently riding with new people makes me go fast! We rode the Sherman College loop and felt great, kept a steady push and gave a little extra up most of the hills. Nice change of pace! Ankle is feeling better today, much less tender and I'm hoping I can do a long run on Saturday morning after one more day of rest. Going to skip yoga tomorrow since all the articles I read specifically advised against down dog and other such poses that stress the achilles. 

Planned: rest
Did: core, some arms, and a 30-minute walk
I decided I didn't feel like 100% rest today, so I skipped yoga and did a little core/PT (basically my typical super-set on Mondays) plus some arm lifts. Then headed outside for a walk (1.5-2mi) and that was that. Nice easy day. My ankle felt fine during the walk, so I decided I'd take a chance and run Saturday morning.

Planned: 6 m pace 13 m run
Did: 12.16 mi @ 11:39/mi
Headed out for an early run with Robin and Megan, starting from my house. Robin had 12 on her schedule, so I opted to just run with her and forget the last mile. We started out through Green Valley to get some hills done early in the run. Megan peeled off after a bit and headed back, while Robin and I continued on into downtown TR. Picked up the Swamp Rabbit Trail, headed to Furman, ran a loop through campus, then back to the house. Felt good, and very glad we got out early because it started to warm up! I was pleased that my ankle, while not 100% good, did not seem to get any worse during the run. So YAY. I'm wondering if I strained something while doing calf press or lunges (2 things I haven't done in a while) on Monday. Hmmm. Anyway, I'm thrilled that it didn't bother me and I was able to do this run. Definitely promising for a nice 6-7 miles tomorrow. :)
The beauty of morning runs.

Over halfway done!
Planned: 13 m run 6 m pace
Did: 6.10 mi @ 8:16/mi avg
Headed out for another early run today to get this knocked out. I'm currently operating on a target 3:45 marathon, which is an 8:35/mi average pace. 😳 I'm doing my best to not shy away from hills during training, though I should probably look at the actual race course to see what kind of hills to expect. Regardless, training on flats is not the best option, so I headed out the back of the neighborhood on some roads I've biked but not run. They were nice, especially early with little traffic. Nice farms out that way. I decided to not obsess over my watch, and just run by what felt like an 8:30-ish effort. Turns out I was faster than I thought! My splits were ALL well under an 8:30 pace...
I suppose that bodes well for the future, though it's definitely too early to tell!
Achilles still feels not 100% but it doesn't get any worse when I run, so I'm happy with that.

File this under: weird roadkill you see in the country. What WAS that??

Week ending thoughts: Thankful the Achilles issue has turned out to be minor, and glad that training is back on track. Hooray!

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