Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Ugh. I think I'm injured. This is NOT how I wanted to kick off marathon training! The most frustrating part is that I have no clue what caused this. I didn't notice anything hurting until my 10k Tuesday yesterday, but it didn't prevent me from running... was just an "oh, that kind of hurts a little". It's a pain in the lower inside of my ankle/heel on my right foot. I can pinpoint it very specifically (not just an overall ache), and it's tender if I press on it.

Well, for the rest of yesterday I couldn't even walk without noticing it. And it's a little bit swollen.

After consulting Dr. Google, I've self-diagnosed with one of two things:

1) Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (or Syndrome, depending on which article I click on).
This image made me go, "Oh yes, THAT! That's what hurts."
or 2) Achilles Bursitis
This is also a good illustration of pain point.
The actual diagnosis isn't important because the treatment is the same: RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Blergh. Most websites say I can still bike, but running is a nope. I'll evaluate day-to-day and see how it feels. 

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