Sunday, August 27, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 7 of 18

Deep breath. Here we go. Week 7.
Planned: strength
Did: nothing
Worked from home to enable viewing of 100% totality during the solar eclipse. SO AMAZING. I can't put it into words. But no workout. I went to bed at 8:30pm Sunday night and slept for 9 hours. Still tried. It was time for a full rest day.

Planned: 8 mi
Did: 4.47mi @ 9:15/mi + 3.55mi @ 8:28/mi
Split this run into two parts, broken up by the commute to work. This was hard. I did 4.5 miles in the dark neighborhood before 6 a.m. and it was already gross and humid. The remaining 3.5 miles were at work, and I was SO ready to just get them DONE as can be seen from my pace.

Planned: XT + 4 mi
Did: 4.0 mi @ 7:34/mi avg
I think I might need to drop the bike rides for the rest of this training cycle, because it's just not feasible for me to work in a run longer than 3 miles AND a bike ride. My grand plan almost bit me in the butt today. In an effort to maximize my workday productivity, I planned to work from first thing in the morning, through lunch, and then leave in enough time to get in my 4-miler before hopping in the car and heading home. At least I wouldn't have to shower! It was all well and good until at 2:30 I got pulled into a last-minute meeting at the end of the day. ARGH. I was determined to make it work, though, so I finished up my work and rushed down to the treadmill to knock out the miles as quickly as possible. Strange how motivated I can be when the only thing standing between me and picking up baby boy is a 4 mile run. I did it in 30 minutes!! Looks like no #speedworkThursday will be necessary...
Pretty sure that's not really my heartrate... ?!
Planned: 4 mi
Did: 4.02 mi @ 8:50/mi
Ah, much calmer run today. Got this one done first thing in the morning and it was actually pretty nice outside! Hooray. I almost negative split it!

Legs are definitely tried though. Glad for rest day tomorrow. 🙌

Frontage Road runnin'. 
Planned: rest
Did: rest
We had a team lunch, so not even yoga today. I needed a full rest day, and I ate a HUGE lunch. Very necessary.

Planned: 8 mi race pace  16 mi
Did: 16.05 mi @ 11:20/mi avg w/ STROLLER
Longest stroller run ever, and boy did I feel it! That was tough. So thankful to have Robin along for the ride! We changed things up and started at the Greenville Zoo near downtown. Hopped right onto the Swamp Rabbit trail and ran north just to Furman's campus, then turned around and headed back. We stopped for a little bio break at Swamp Rabbit Cafe, plus gave little man a few minutes to run around in their play area. He did SO well in the stroller for 3+ hours, I was really impressed. He got rewarded with some swings and playground time after the run. This run was tough, but we took it at a pace that was manageable and I really don't think running without the stroller would have made it significantly easier, it just might have been a little bit faster. I'm good with it!
This chick's longest run EVER! 
Planned: 16 mi  8 mi race pace (target 8:35/mi)
Did: 8.03 mi @ 8:21/mi avg
Not going to lie, this run surprised me! I did not think I was going to hit my overall pace, much less hit it for 6 out of the 8 miles. The only two miles over pace were 8:55 on Mile 1, and 8:37 on Mile 7 (so close!). Plus I did sub-8 on the final mile? Yeah, I was ready to be done! Glad to knock this one out while it was still moderately cool outside. Almost got a teeny taste of fall running. SO EXCITED FOR THAT.

Week ending thoughts: Oh yeah. 40+ miles (40.11 to be exact) for the week? Feeling. It. Somehow I missed the fact that I was finally above the 30-35 mpw range. I'd hovered in the upper-20s for so long and now BAM here it is. I'm feeling pretty good and strong, but it's clear to me that I'm pushing the limits. That's what training is supposed to do, right? Another tough week coming up. Ready for it.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 6 of 18

Step-back week!
Week Beginning Thoughts: Yay, step-back week.

Planned: strength
Did: strength

I did a few reps-to-failure tests on some of my lifts. Looks like I've been underestimating myself on a few! Time to up the weight or reps on those. Lifted for a full hour today even though I was tired, and finished with the jello arms & legs feeling, so seems like it was a good day.

Planned: 7 m run
Did: 7.03 mi @ 8:30/mi avg pace (#10kTuesday and then some!)
It was pea-soupy out this morning (foggy and SO HUMID). I was up late and got up early, so I was verrrryyyyy tired when I started the run.

Pea soup.
I didn't have grand plans for pace, just wanted to And whatdya know, I ended up with a pretty darn good pace afterall!

Negative splits all the way? Pretty close. Whoa.
I felt like I was slowing down towards the end, but uh, apparently not. Glad to get this done in the morning and have it out of the way!

Planned: XT + 3 m run
Did: 14.4 mi bike @ 16.6 mph avg speed
Nixed the run portion today and went out for a hard ride with Donnie at lunch. We did the Sherman College loop, just like last time, and averaged about the same speed! It was HOT today. We were pleasantly surprised to see a section of our route had just been repaved. Nothing like riding on smooooooth fresh asphalt!

Planned: 3 m run - INT
Did: 3.4 mi @ 8:09/mi avg, #speedworkThursday
Thought some treadmill speed intervals would be a good final tune-up to get the legs ready for Saturday's 5k race.

800m warm-up (9:30/mi)
400/400 intervals, first one at 6:30/mi then pushed the remaining ones to 6:15/mi pace
Final speed interval I had some good music on, so did 800m instead of 400m.

Emojis as reasoning for pace anomalies. 
This workout felt... easy? Too short? I struggle with such short workouts for marathon training. I feel like I should be doing MOAR, but I'll do as I'm told (by my training plan).

Planned: yoga
Did: yoga
This was needed today. Good hip flexor stretches.

Planned: 7 m pace
Did: Michelin 5k Race + 2mi before and 2mi after the race
Read all about it in the race report entry.

Planned: 10 m run
Did: 10.02 mi @ 10:57/mi
Great run with my ladies this morning! I almost bailed out because I wasn't feeling great last night, but I'm so glad I stuck it out and got to run with Megan & Robin this morning. We headed out from the house at 7, headed through Green Valley via Old White Horse Rd, then parted ways at the "back entrance" to Green Valley for Megan's return to the house. Robin and I continued through TR and returned via the Swamp Rabbit. It was a nice morning, though of course humid, but was calm and felt nice. We pushed through some hills at the end as we re-entered my neighborhood, definitely kicked it to round out the 10 miles. Feels good to get that done!

Week Ending thoughts: Still feeling good, but step-back week was definitely needed since I was feeling drained. Everything gets longer next week (4 & 8 mile mid-week runs, with 8 and 16 weekend runs) so I need to gather my wits about me.

Race Report: Michelin 5k

This race coincided with a 7 mile run on my training plan, so I decided to do 2 before the race and 2 after.

Pre-run selfie
Got to the race location early enough to do a 2 mile out-and-back warm-up run. The air felt ok and I had hopes that the humidity wouldn't be too terrible.

Spoiler alert: it was bad.

Finished my 2 miles with about 15 minutes before race start. I was thirsty but there was no pre-race water available, and my water bottle was in my car a quarter mile away. I thought of running out to get it, but didn't want to be in a rush to get back to the start, so I decided to just chance it and head for the water stop at the 1-mile mark.

Race started and we were off. The race begins with a slight downhill for about a half mile, so I knew it would be fast. I tried to settle into a comfortable but hard pace, knowing the hills would start soon. We hit a nice cool pocket of air right as the first incline started. It was another half mile to the only turn on the out-and-back course, and that's where the water stop was also. Grabbed water and felt much better, but realized I was hungry, too. Guess my Clif bar at 6:00am had worn off.

Mile 1 = 6:52

The second mile saw a downhill followed by an uphill to the turn-around point... then of course the down and up back to the water stop/turn/mile marker. I tried to just maintain consistent effort based on feel, but I knew this mile was not as fast as the first one.

Mile 2 = 7:07

The final mile (as the reverse of the first one) starts with a nice downhill but finishes with a slow burn of an uphill all the way to the finish line. I knew I was running on empty by the time I huffed and puffed towards Mile 3 and dipped into the parking lot for the final stretch to the finish. This race did have great support as you entered the final 0.1 mile, great folks cheering, and even some awesome runners from the elite squad that were coaching finishers into the final strides.

Mile 3 = 7:08

Final 0.1 = 6:17/mi pace

Crossed the line with the "I feel like puking" sensation, which always signals that I gave it all I had. I recovered pretty quickly, though, and cheered other teammates across the line.

Milliken Team
After getting most of the team together for a photo, I headed out for another out-and-back on the course for the last 2 miles. As I approached the finish chute, I had folks telling me "Over here! This way!!" to which I had to inform thanks, but I'd already finished. I was definitely tired by the time I got back to the car, and was more than happy to sit in the A/C of my vehicle.

I'm happy with the results. I feel like I might have been able to pull out a few seconds more speed, but I don't think I had another 40 seconds in me for an overall 5k PR. That will have to wait for another day. This IS, however, a post-baby PR. So that is certainly something to be happy about.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 5 of 18

Week 5, here we go
Week beginning thoughts: I'M SO GLAD I'M NOT INJURED. Yay. This week is forecast for rain ALL week. But going to make the best of it and try to stick with plan.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Meh. Got it done. Today wasn't a thrilling day.

Planned: 7 m run
Did: #10kTuesday and then some... 7.0 mi @ 8:20/mi avg
Aaaaaand here's where #10kTuesday is no longer enough for my mid-week semi-long run. Started off with a bang: a treadmill run without music! BLEH. I forgot my earbuds (or so I thought... now I can't find them at my desk, so turns out they were probably in my gym bag all along). I watched the treadmill TV on Closed-Captioning for the hour. I varied the speed here and there, cranked it up towards the end. Felt really good with the overall pace I kept! 

Planned: XT + 3 m run
Did: 8.9 mi bike + 3.0 mi run
Awww yesss got both workouts done at lunch today with Robin. It was almost like tri training! Was a lovely cloudy and (relatively) cool day. We rode the Upstate loop sans hill for a total of 8.9 miles @ 13.3 mph, then we set out for a run as soon as we got back. Did an out-and-back on Hwy 9 for our 3-miler and averaged right at a 10:00/mi pace. Felt really good to get both of these knocked out!

Planned: 3 m run
Did: 3.58 mi @ 8:24/mi avg
I had thought of doing #SpeedworkThursday, but then I felt off all morning and decided to just head out for a regular ol' run. Turns out I ended up doing a solid progression run anyway! 😂
Mile Splits. Nice.
Feeling alright now, still a little weird but probably after lunch and lots of water will feel right back to normal. 

Planned: rest
Did: yoga
#yogaFridays are the bomb diggity.

Planned: 7 14 m run
Did: 14.01 mi @ 11:03/mi avg w/ stroller
Yep, I ran 14 miles with the stroller. Woof. And it was like... 99% humidity. SO GROSS. But 'tis done, and thankfully I had a wonderful variety of company through most of the run! Now for a shower...
After we'd departed from the crew, we ran through Furman and saw the "horse!" in front of the football stadium. 
[Edited for additional commentary - I was too exhausted to write more yesterday!]

So yeah... I got up, ate breakfast, fed D breakfast, then we headed over to park at Furman and meet Robin, Dale, Megan & her little one in the stroller, all of whom were already getting in some earlier miles. We all headed off southward on the Swamp Rabbit trail. Dale peeled off about half a mile later, and us ladies (plus D) continued southward. At the Sulphur Springs crossing we said goodbye to Megan & little A as they turned around to head home. Robin, D and I continued on to our turn-around point at the Swamp Rabbit Grocery where we had a brief pit stop. Of course D knows this as the place where we usually buy him a blueberry scone, but the line was SO long that we didn't have time to wait for one. He was asking for "biscuit" the rest of the run. 😋

Turned around and headed back north. Had to stop a few times and "talk" to D because he was fussing about wanting a snack... then not wanting a snack... then wanting water... then not wanting water. 😒 *sigh* Eventually he fell asleep and we had a quiet run back to Furman. Robin finished out her miles and headed to her car, and I had 4 miles remaining. We looped through campus, out around the football stadium, back down to the lake, then picked up the Swamp rabbit with just a mile left. I was definitely struggling the last mile... I know I didn't eat enough on the run (just some gummy chews) but it was challenging having already eaten a full breakfast before running. We got back to the car just as my watch buzzed for mile 14. Halleluia! 

I think the fact that we kept a slow pace (like these runs SHOULD be) was the saving grace for me, and was why I wasn't totally wiped out the rest of the day (though I did take an awesome afternoon nap). Pretty encouraged that I can take D on these long runs though! Whew.

Planned: 14 7 m run
Did: 7.02 mi @ 9:34/mi avg
Headed out for some early neighborhood miles solo. I thought it felt nice, but turns out it was still really awful humid even though the temperature was a bit lower. Looped around some of the usual neighborhood side-roads (and hills!). My pace was ALL over the map (fastest was 8:35, slowest was 10:40), probably a strong correlation to hills and overall tiredness from yesterday.

Week ending thoughts: Yep, this is starting to really feel like marathon training! Feeling good though, ankle still bugs me a little but doesn't seem to get any worse with running so I'm just going to give it time. Next week is a "step-back" week so my long run is *only* 10 miles. Wheeeee.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 4 of 18

Week Beginning Thoughts:
Yay, new training plan! I selected Hal Higdon's Intermediate 2 plan - it's similar to Intermediate 1 but with 3 20-milers instead of 2, and slightly higher weekly mileage overall. We'll see how it goes and I'll re-evaluate if needed. In general, my usual edits will apply... already added in the XT on Wednesdays for bike riding, Friday rest day will be yoga as often as possible, and occasionally the weekend not-as-long-run will be replaced by a bike ride. Thursday runs will incorporate some kind of speed work (intervals, tempo, hills, or Yasso 800s).

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Good one today. Feeling strong. Going to have to convince myself to just maintain through marathon training and not try to continue gaining in the strength category. The goal for strength during marathon training is to prevent injury.


Planned: 6 m run
Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:52/mi avg
Decided I didn't want to fool with running at work today, so I got up and out the door and made plans to meet Scott with the car at daycare (which is ~3 miles from our house) when he dropped little man off this morning. Looped through the neighborhood for a couple of miles until the sun was up enough to feel comfortable running out onto busier streets. Made my way to the Swamp Rabbit Trail and realized I was running late, so I hauled butt up to the daycare. My last 2 miles were speedy (8:09 & 8:01)! Felt great though, low humidity and beautiful crisp air. Ahh early runs!
Dawn over Paris Mountain
One negative: my right Achilles hurts on the inside of my heel. Hoping it's just a little tired and will get better but ehhhhh. I do not want to be injured this early in the game! 😨

Planned: XT + 3 m run
Did: 10.6 mi bike ride
Determined after some Googling this morning that, yep, I have done something to my right ankle/Achilles. Thankfully it doesn't hurt to bike on it, and even Dr. Google says that continuing to bike shouldn't aggravate it, so yay, I can do something. Might skip tomorrow's run and bike again unless I magically wake up pain-free.
Anyway, it was a beautiful day for a ride! Robin and I did the Upstate loop with the extra hill loop at the beginning, and it was nice and cloudy, not too warm, just very pleasant. 

Planned: 3 m run
Did: 14.4 mi bike ride @ 16.7 mph avg 
Whee, fast ride today! Opted to rest from running another day and get on the bike again, this time with a different coworker with whom I don't often bike. (I had to go back and edit the grammar of that last statement a few times). Apparently riding with new people makes me go fast! We rode the Sherman College loop and felt great, kept a steady push and gave a little extra up most of the hills. Nice change of pace! Ankle is feeling better today, much less tender and I'm hoping I can do a long run on Saturday morning after one more day of rest. Going to skip yoga tomorrow since all the articles I read specifically advised against down dog and other such poses that stress the achilles. 

Planned: rest
Did: core, some arms, and a 30-minute walk
I decided I didn't feel like 100% rest today, so I skipped yoga and did a little core/PT (basically my typical super-set on Mondays) plus some arm lifts. Then headed outside for a walk (1.5-2mi) and that was that. Nice easy day. My ankle felt fine during the walk, so I decided I'd take a chance and run Saturday morning.

Planned: 6 m pace 13 m run
Did: 12.16 mi @ 11:39/mi
Headed out for an early run with Robin and Megan, starting from my house. Robin had 12 on her schedule, so I opted to just run with her and forget the last mile. We started out through Green Valley to get some hills done early in the run. Megan peeled off after a bit and headed back, while Robin and I continued on into downtown TR. Picked up the Swamp Rabbit Trail, headed to Furman, ran a loop through campus, then back to the house. Felt good, and very glad we got out early because it started to warm up! I was pleased that my ankle, while not 100% good, did not seem to get any worse during the run. So YAY. I'm wondering if I strained something while doing calf press or lunges (2 things I haven't done in a while) on Monday. Hmmm. Anyway, I'm thrilled that it didn't bother me and I was able to do this run. Definitely promising for a nice 6-7 miles tomorrow. :)
The beauty of morning runs.

Over halfway done!
Planned: 13 m run 6 m pace
Did: 6.10 mi @ 8:16/mi avg
Headed out for another early run today to get this knocked out. I'm currently operating on a target 3:45 marathon, which is an 8:35/mi average pace. 😳 I'm doing my best to not shy away from hills during training, though I should probably look at the actual race course to see what kind of hills to expect. Regardless, training on flats is not the best option, so I headed out the back of the neighborhood on some roads I've biked but not run. They were nice, especially early with little traffic. Nice farms out that way. I decided to not obsess over my watch, and just run by what felt like an 8:30-ish effort. Turns out I was faster than I thought! My splits were ALL well under an 8:30 pace...
I suppose that bodes well for the future, though it's definitely too early to tell!
Achilles still feels not 100% but it doesn't get any worse when I run, so I'm happy with that.

File this under: weird roadkill you see in the country. What WAS that??

Week ending thoughts: Thankful the Achilles issue has turned out to be minor, and glad that training is back on track. Hooray!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Ugh. I think I'm injured. This is NOT how I wanted to kick off marathon training! The most frustrating part is that I have no clue what caused this. I didn't notice anything hurting until my 10k Tuesday yesterday, but it didn't prevent me from running... was just an "oh, that kind of hurts a little". It's a pain in the lower inside of my ankle/heel on my right foot. I can pinpoint it very specifically (not just an overall ache), and it's tender if I press on it.

Well, for the rest of yesterday I couldn't even walk without noticing it. And it's a little bit swollen.

After consulting Dr. Google, I've self-diagnosed with one of two things:

1) Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (or Syndrome, depending on which article I click on).
This image made me go, "Oh yes, THAT! That's what hurts."
or 2) Achilles Bursitis
This is also a good illustration of pain point.
The actual diagnosis isn't important because the treatment is the same: RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Blergh. Most websites say I can still bike, but running is a nope. I'll evaluate day-to-day and see how it feels.