Sunday, July 2, 2017

FATS 50k Training - Week 3 of 16

Week 3
Week Beginning Thoughts: Last week of single-long-run weekends... better enjoy it while I can!
Week Ending Thoughts:

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Definitely have the jello arms and legs going on, which is always an indication of a good workout. Bumped up weights in a couple of lifts, but overall maintained vs last week. The pull-ups @ 20# assist are finally feeling like I can maintain proper form through all 3 sets. The last couple of the final set are always tough but I can at least do the full range of motion instead of wimping out and half-a$$ing them. 3 sets of everything.
Notation key: "(lift) (reps)x @(weight) (number of dumbbells, if applicable)"
New routine: notebook in the gym with me. Because memory problems.
Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 1.2 WU / 4 hard / 1 CD = 6.23 mi @ 8:24/mi overall
Final "tune up" run for Ultimate #10kTuesday next week. Decided to push 4 miles at "race pace" or overall hard effort. The weather was glorious this morning (below 70! low humidity!) so I figured if I was going to have a good run, this better be it. Obviously if I'm going to break 50 mins I need to do better next week, but I can always count on race day adrenaline for an extra little kick.
I pushed myself as much as I felt like I could, and in my head I was hoping for something close to 8:00/mi for my hard miles. Result?

Nailed it.

Planned: XT
Did: bike ride, 10.8 mi @ 13.6 mph 
Beautiful day for a ride with the ladies at lunch! We did the hill + Upstate loop, felt good and I did a few little hill sprints when the opportunity presented itself. :)

Planned: 2 mi hill repeats
Did: 5x hill repeats, 2.03 mi @ 9:11/mi avg.
A crazy busy day at work necessitated an early start for #speedworkThursday - not gonna lie, I'm starting to actually like doing early morning runs in the dark, quiet of the neighborhood before anybody else is awake. Still, I don't think my body will allow it to become too much of a regular habit.
Due to the short distance of the workout, I ran straight over to the "horseshoe" in my neighborhood... it's a circle that goes around a big open green space in the center of the neighborhood and has a pretty good slope up to one end (the top of the horeshoe arch) and goes back down the other side. It gets steeper as you get towards the top, with an overall climb of about 50ft over a little more than a tenth of a mile. The hill repeat structure I use is a hard-as-you-can push up a hill that takes ~60-90sec, then an easy jog back around to the start. And do it again & again & again. :)

Pushed it on that last one - w00t!
Planned: yoga
Did: yoga
Stretchy stretch stretch.

Planned: 8 mi 
Did: 8.03 mi @ 9:28/mi pace
Run on the winding, hilly, country road near my parents' lake house where we're visiting for the long holiday weekend. Started out early (before 7 a.m.!) but it was still muggy as anything. Yuck. Did the first 3.2 miles with Scott, then he headed inside and I did an out-and-back in the other direction to finish out the 8 miles total. I didn't push the pace, knowing I have the 10k race on Tuesday, but needed to get the miles done.

Mizunos Wave Riders
Winding country roads
Planned: XT
Did: 13.2mi mountain biking
Scott and I took advantage of being with my folks this weekend and took a trip (2nd annual!) to Harbison State Forest for a mountain bike ride. We did a very rooty trail to start off, then move to more flowy trails for the remainder. It was a good ride, though quite warm even for as early as we got started! Felt good but I could tell I was a little worn out from the 8 miles yesterday. Good to keep the legs moving in advance of Tuesday's race.

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