Sunday, June 25, 2017

FATS 50k Training - Week 2 of 16

Week 2
Week Starting Thoughts: Feeling really good after a solid week of meeting every workout goal. Hoping to keep up that momentum!
Week Ending Thoughts: Another good week, 100% on-plan. Feeling good!
Miles this week = 18.4

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Good lift today. Had to get it done early due to meetings and I'm soooo glad I did instead of trying to put it off like I usually do. 3 sets of everything, super-setted by core/PT (20x med ball toe-touch, heels-to-heaven, mason twist, clamshell, pushups, and glute bridges).

8x pull-ups (20lb assist)
10x tri-dips (20lb assist)
10x squat (85lb)*
8x bench press (75lb)*
side-step resistance band
10x hammer curl (18lb dumbbells)
10x quad extension (40lb)
8x overhead press (18lb dumbbells)
10x hamstring curl (50lb)*
10x rotator cuff (6lb dumbbells)
10x bent fwd arm raise (6lb dumbbells)
10x tri cable extension (50lb)*
10x deadlift (40lb)
*indicates a weight increase from last time (based on my memory, so possibly inaccurate)
I need to find a better way to track this stuff (spreadsheeeeeeeeet).

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.32 mi @ 8:43/mi
I decided to put a little kick into this workout if I'm going to have any hope at keeping up with the sub-50 group at Peachtree in a couple of weeks. I went easy for 2 to warm up (boy my legs felt like running through peanut butter), went "sustainably hard" for 3, then easy to finish out. Overall goal was to finish in under 55 minutes, which I accomplished with 30 seconds to spare when I hit the 10k mark. I had no real pace in mind for the fast miles, just wanted to push and see what came out of it. The result?
Yassssss sub-8!!
Did NOT expect that, given how slow my typical pace has been lately. Granted, it's barely what I would need for a sub-50 10k time, but at least there's hope that I actually have some speed that is accessible. Apparently my legs are just fine, it's my mind that needs training (isn't that always the case?). ;)

Planned: XT
Did: 7.9 mi @ 12.7 mph
Had to cut the ride short today due to meetings, but got out early with Megan & Robin and did the Upstate loop. Was nice and cool and cloudy, very comfortable for riding!

Planned: 2 mi tempo
Did: 2 mi tempo + core/PT, short track race
Did my tempo run on the t'mill due to a) rain and b) short length of run. I wanted to get the most out of this so I figured some closely-controlled conditions would be more ideal. Started out with half mile at 9:00 then steadily ramped up until I hit 2 miles (final ~0.1mi was at 7:03/mi pace). Felt good and not very hard.
Finished up with some core/PT work:
3 rounds:
20x push-ups
20x toe-touch w/ 18lb med. ball
20x heels-to-heaven
20x mason twists w/ 18lb med. ball
20x clamshell (each side)
10x "peeing dog" (each side)
10x donkey kick (each side)
10x glute bridge (each leg, then both legs together)
... and some stretching

Bonus! Short Track Mountain Bike Race
The rain held off just enough for the event to go on as planned, and it was a fun time as always. I think I rode 6 loops in the race plus a practice loop for a total of 5.6mi at a 9.2mph average. I rode the Intermediate/Sport category and was the ONLY female rider, so I won the overall women's race for this category. Sometimes it really is just about showing up!
Super D doing his kids' race
Podium for both of us!
Planned: yoga
Did: yoga
Good class today, felt good to get nice and stretched out before the weekend!

Planned: 10 mi
Did: 10.03 mi @ 9:08/mi
This turned into a bit of a tempo run... I had to get this done early due to commitments later in the day, so I started out around 6:15 a.m. from Furman and ran south on the Swamp Rabbit trail. The plan was to meet Megan, Robin, & Dale at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery at 7am where they were going to run north towards Furman. I delayed my start a little bit due to the clouds making it a little darker than I'd anticipated, and I told the group I'd probably be later than 7am for my arrival. I got started and turns out there are lots of people out running on the trail that early! I ran fast to make up time and ended up making it the 5 miles to the Cafe in just under 43 mins, so I arrived right at 7! Took the next few miles easier with the group, then finished out fast to get back to the car for the last 2 miles.
Miles 1-5: 8:51, 8:20, 8:17, 8:03, 7:38 (um, hello negative splits)
Miles 6-8: 9:49, 10:49, 11:07
Miles 9-10: 8:39, 8:34
Felt really good overall, and excited to see that I'm not as slow as I thought I'd gotten.

Planned: XT
Did: bike 21mi
Took D with me for some cross-training today and pulled the bike trailer down the Swamp Rabbit to the park near the zoo. Let him run around for a little while there, then we got back in and headed home. It was tough to pull him but felt strong and happy that we got out of the house because I almost decided to scrap the ride when he was extra whiny this morning and didn't want to cooperate.

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