Friday, July 7, 2017

FATS 50k Training - Week 4 of 16 (partial)

Week Beginning Thoughts: Well, it's already Wednesday so we're kind of past that. Matches last week's blank "week ending thoughts".
Week Ending Thoughts: Leaving for a week of vacation, so going ahead and publishing this week's blog. Will have to catch up upon return in a little over a week!

Monday - Vacation
Planned: strength
Did: ~2mi kayaking/canoeing on the lake
At my parents' lake house for the July 4th weekend holiday, plus tomorrow is race day, so didn't want to do anything with the legs. Kayaked and canoed on the lake for approximately 2 miles, then sat in a car for 4.5 hours.

Tuesday - Race Day!!
Planned: Peachtree Road Race 10k
Did: 6.32 mi in 47:39 (PR!!!)
Race report is here.

Wednesday - back to normal life
Planned: XT + 2mi
Did: 10.9mi bike + 2mi treadmill
Original plan was to do the 2mi after work at home, but I decided to just go ahead and get it over with by taking a little bit longer during my lunch break. This was the right choice because it is HOT. First did the 10.9 mi Upstate SC Loop + Hill with Megan & Robin, where we averaged 14.4 mph moving speed. We're getting much faster and soon should be able to do a slightly longer loop! Followed it by busting out a quick 2 on the tready... started at 8:30 pace and gradually ramped up. Amazed at how easy this felt despite yesterday's hard race effort. w00t recovery!

Planned: 2mi INT
Did: treadmill ladder workout
1WU, 1200/400, 800/400, 400, 800CD
speed interval paces = 6:58, 6:58, 6:44
recovery paces = ~9:30-9:40
Stole this one from Angelina. I like it! #speedworkThursday

Planned: yoga
Did: nothing
Brought my stuff to do some strength training in the gym but with a week of vacation coming up, I had too much to get done before departure. Oh well

Saturday - travel to Seattle

Sunday - in Seattle!
Planned: 6 mi See Jane Run Half Marathon

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