Sunday, July 16, 2017

FATS 50k Training - Week 5 of 16

The remainder of Week 4 was just travel to Seattle on Saturday (no exercise) and the See Jane Run Half Marathon on Sunday.

Week 5 thoughts (written after the fact): Pretty pleased with keeping up most of my mileage while on vacation, with the exception of the weekend long runs. 

Did: 6 mi bike ride
We rented bicycles from Recycled Cycles, a second-hand bike shop in downtown Seattle. We took the bus to the shop then rode them back to the hotel. I do not enjoy weaving through city traffic, but thankfully there are usually bike lanes and the city is generally very bike-friendly and cars know what to do around bikes.

Did: 6.20 mi @ 9:34/mi and 16.5 mi bike ride
#10kTuesday in a new city/state! 
I ran from the hotel down to the waterfront and ran along the bike/pedestrian path for an out-and-back. The weather (overcast, low 50s) was beauuuutiful for running and I didn't want to turn around! Getting to and from the waterfront was challenging due to city street traffic (stopping at every intersection!) and the city climbs VERY STEEPLY up from the water. Like, about a hundred feet every block. WOOF.
Elevation, yo.
My pace was casual due to the starting/stopping for traffic signals, plus stopping to take selfies.
Olympic Sculpture Park. Weird.
Space Needle!
Water Panorama
The shore
In the afternoon we took a bike ride to some breweries via the same bike/pedestrian path that I ran before. 

Did: 42.5 mi bike ride
Bike Ride to breweries! We took a long ride on the Burke-Gilman and Sammamish River bike paths to visit some breweries that were farther out of the city. What an awesome way to see a part of the country! The paths were so nice, far from roads and traffic, but we saw lots of people out on them so they are clearly used frequently. I wish we had that around here! So cool to be able to travel this way.

Did: 1WU, 4 tempo, 1CD = 5.95 mi @ 9:19/mi
I knew I had 4 miles tempo on the calendar, plus I'd had 2 miles on the plan for the day before... figured I'd combine them into one run and get it done! Used the first and last miles to get out of the city and onto the waterfront trail, then did an out-and-back for the fast miles. I didn't have a pace on the plan, but in my head I was targeting around an 8/mi pace.
Tempo miles were 8:19, 7:57, 8:17, and 7:54. 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. Traveling, family stuff, jet lag... excuses, excuses. 

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