Sunday, May 28, 2017

Recovery/Bridge (Week 2 of 4)

Weekly Impressions: This week ended up being a little haphazard, but overall got some good work done. I'm looking forward to be "in training" again because it's far too easy/tempting for me to slack off when I don't "have" to do a given workout. I wish it weren't so, but clearly I need that extra bit of motivation!

Apparently breaking the streak also destroys my motivation. Yes, sometimes I feel silly taking extra laps around the house just to get my 10k steps in a given day, but it's just a little goal I like to cross off each day. We'll see if I can beat my streak! (Last streak: 52 days)

Planned: ?
Did: 3mi stroller walk + quick strength workout
Stayed home with sick toddler today, so we worked what we could. In the morning we took a 3mi walk since little man was going stir crazy (apparently he's feeling better?). I started out thinking I'd run some of it, but the humidity quickly zapped that desire.
Once he was down for a nap, I got in a quick strength routine. Did the "14-Minute workout" below, plus some curls, overhead press, tri press, and pushups.

14-Min. Workout
1 minute per exercise, repeat full set 2x
- high knees
- side plank
- squats
- butt-kickers
- hip raise
- mountain climbers
- elbow plank

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.20 mi @ 8:19/mi
Looks like a treadmill day. 😒
Yep, treadmill day. Turned this into a progression-style run which made the indoor hamster wheel more tolerable.
Mile 1 - 6.5 mph
Mile 2 & 3 - 7.5 mph
Mile 4 - 6.5 mph
Mile 5 - 7.5 mph
Mile 6 to finish - gradually increased to finish at 8.5 mph

Yep. Pretty much matches speed!
Planned: bike ride
Did: nothing
The good (and bad) thing about not being on a plan, is that I feel less bad about skipping a workout. But I was grumpy the rest of the day, so maybe not so great. Womp womp. I don't know how people go through life not having a regular workout routine and don't go insane.

Planned: run
Did: strength + Short Track Race
Since I didn't get to lift at the gym on Monday, I got it done today. I'm hoping to be able to ride in the Upstate SORBA Short Track race tonight, so that will give me some cardio. Depends how Dargan handles being kept out later than usual!
Anyway, lift went well. Felt good and strong. Really happy with my progression on the strength side. Also feeling excited since I put together some plans for 50k training.

{Core super-set between each: 20x toe-touch w/ 16lb medicine ball, heels-to-heaven, mason twists}
3x8 18lb Curls
3x8 18lb overhead press
3x10 40lb Quad extension
3x10 40lb Hamstring curl
3x10 50lb Upright row/ wide arms
3x10 50lb Upright row/ narrow arms
-----{Core SS}-----
Pull-up 20lb assist
Triceps dip 20lb assist

3x10 60lb Chest press machine
3x10 40lb dumbbell goblet squat
-----{Core SS}-----
3x8 6lb rotator cuff
3x8 6lb extended curl
3x8 6lb lying down side rotator cuff
3x10 45lb deadlift
-----{Core SS}-----
3x8 45lb tri cable pull-down
3x8 45lb straight arm pull-down
3x15 side-step resistance band

Short-Track Race
This was a fun event! Upstate SORBA does a great job with this series. The short track race is basically a timed race to see who can do the most loops of the pump track in a certain amount of time. They have a kids race, a Beginner/Intermediate race, and an Expert race. D participated in the kids' race (which wasn't actually a race, just a ride around a small section of the pump track) and they awarded everyone medals.
Not sure what's happening
Will respond to "say cheese" 😁
I didn't get any photos of my race, so that's why you get D instead. ;) My race was 30 minutes, and I made it 6 or 7 times (I lost count) around the track. Total of 5.4mi in 33 mins (avg. 9.7 mph) which I'm pretty happy about! I was just about 100 yards behind the 3rd place female, so I was mere seconds away from a podium finish. Oh well, maybe next month!

Planned: yoga
Did: nothing
Forgot I had a coworker's baby shower during lunch at work, so no yoga for me. Instead, I ate 3 cupcakes. 😏

Planned: ?
Did: 8.12 mi @ 10:07/mi w/ stroller
D and I headed out for a neighborhood stroller run on Saturday morning and enjoyed 1,300+ feet of elevation gain during our nice 8-miler. I didn't have any pace goals for this run so I walked a good bit of the uphills. Felt great and enjoyed the time with little man!
Yay running!
Planned: ?
Did: bike ride to zoo w/ friends
We had some friends visiting from out of town, so we took the opportunity and (thankfully) the break in the rain to bike down the Swamp Rabbit to the zoo! It was great fun, had a nice leisurely ride, and the kids enjoyed the animals. We stopped at Swamp Rabbit Grocery on the way home for lunch before making the rest of the trip back up the trail. Total of 22.9 miles @10.7 mph.

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