Sunday, June 4, 2017

Recovery/Bridge (Week 3 of 4)

Weekly summary thoughts: One more week until the "real work" starts. Enjoyed this week being able to be a bit flexible and got in a really great ride on Sunday!

Back on track with steppin'!
Planned: run
Did: 8.09 mi @ 9:56/mi
Took the rare opportunity for a long solo run and ran the hills of Green Valley before breakfast. Turns out I don't run very well on an empty stomach. Oh well. And oddly enough, the "hilly" neighborhood of Green Valley was about half of the elevation gain of my stroller run from Saturday! Still, felt good and happy to get out for a nice early morning run.

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.28 @ 9:48/mi
I think 4 straight days of endurance activities (>1hr duration) is wearing on me. I felt super sluggish on this run, though running the cross-country trails doesn't always give me a good feel for just how fast or slow I'm running. I was thinking I should probably try some speedy 10k runs in the weeks leading up to Peachtree in July to see if I can tune-up for the race, but I'm also like "eh, don't wanna". We'll see what the next weeks bring.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Good session today, almost a full hour of lifting! I was tired going into it and didn't know if I'd have the motivation to push through, but once I got going it was alright.

3x10 squat (80lb)
3x8 pull-up (20lb assist)
3x10 tri dip (20lb assist)
core super-set: 20x toe-touch w/ 16lb medicine ball, 20x heels-2-heaven, 20x mason twist w/ 16lb medicine ball, 20x reverse crunch on stability ball, 20x pushups
Side commentary: 20 push-ups in a row seemed like totally nbd today. whaaat??
3x8 hammer curl (18lb)
3x15 calf press (70lb)
3x10 upright row (wide arms and narrow arms, 50lb)
core super-set
3x10 tri cable pull-down (45lb)
3x10 chest press (60lb)
3x20 side-step resistance band
core super-set
3x10 rotator cuff (6lb)
3x10 out-stretched curl (6lb)
3x10 goblet press (10lb)
3x10 deadlift (45lb)
Commentary: I'm not actually sure "goblet press" is the right term for what I did... 
I basically did A & C (skipped the squat part) and kept my elbows narrow. 
core super-set

Fun fact: I learned the difference between Russian Twists & Mason Twists! They're essentially the same motion & target the same muscle groups, but Mason Twists require feet be OFF the ground, so are the harder version of a Russian Twist. #learning #doyouevenliftbro

Planned: rest
Did: not exactly rest, but no exercise
We have an associate from our Shanghai office visiting this week, so we took her on tours of some of our manufacturing plants. It's been several years since I'd seen them, so I tagged along. It was really cool to see it all, but boy I was exhausted by the end of the day from being on my feet!

Planned: bike ride
Did: 10.7 mi @ 11.5 mph
Robin and I had a lovely bike ride at lunch today! We did the Upstate loop plus the Hill loop at the beginning. Felt good and enjoyed the sunshine.

Planned: run & Freak Bike
Did: short stroller run - 4.4mi @ 9:17/mi
I'd had a longer stroller run in mind for today, but D was having such a good time playing on the playground before we got started that I went ahead and let him play. We still had a good run afterwards and then went about our grocery store trip.
Sadly, Freak Bike didn't get organized so that got scratched from the plans.

Planned: probably run
Did: Paris Mountain bike ride w/ Megan - 22.3 mi 
Got a text from Megan earlier this week asking if I'd be up for a Paris Mountain road ride. I said heck yes! We met up at Furman and set out from there. First was the climb up Altamont Road, which was beautiful this morning, and then we meandered through the neighborhoods on the other side of the mountain. It was really pretty and we discovered some more tough hills to tackle! We got back to campus with enough time for a few more miles down and back on the Swamp Rabbit trail. Such a good morning!
Dat hill tho.
We made it to the top!

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