Tuesday, January 3, 2023

One week til Unicorn Training starts! 🦄

I'm starting 15 weeks of marathon training next week (well really 16, but week 16 is just race day on Monday). Excited to jump into it... feeling good and strong but also fully aware that I do not have the ultra mileage under my belt going into training like I had this time last year. Still, got a good plan laid out and am excited to have some focus going into the new year!

This week will be rounding out the #RWRunStreak for 2022 :)

Did: 2.19 mi @ 9:35/mi avg
Short EZ miles today.

Did: 6.54 mi @ 8:16/mi Track Tuesday
Track Tuesday, 4x1000 (4:22, 4:19, 4:17, 4:18) + 400 (98s 🐢) to finish. Fancy new Garmin that I got for Christmas automatically understands intervals for me, which is pretty cool... 

Did: 3.04 mi @ 9:00/mi + 60 min Hot Power Vinyasa
Had a friend invite me to go to yoga with her at noon today, and I took her up on it! Decided a midday break would be a good thing, and it absolutely was. The sun was shining and it was a cool mid-40s outside, so I enjoyed an easy out-and-back on the trail before heading to the hot studio for an hour of power vinyasa. This one was faster paced and hotter temperature than the other classes I've been to recently, but I felt great with the more intense class! Loving being able to go to these classes more often. 

Did: 6.01 mi Altamont run + 4.5 hours skiing
Started the morning with an Altamont run... it was hard after not having done it in a while, but felt good to work! Then we hopped in the car and drove up to Boone for a day of skiing which was a lot of fun!

Did: 3.1 mi EZ run 
My new Garmin watch has daily suggested workouts... usually I already know what I plan to do for the day, but when I went out this afternoon it suggested 32 mins at 10:25/mi pace as a recovery run. That sounded good to me, so that's what I did!

Did: 10.06 mi @ 8:31/mi avg
Got out early and ran from the house, pretty similar route as what I did on Xmas morning... but man what a difference a week makes in the weather! Last week it was 15F, today it was 52F! Crazy. But felt great to get out and get done early. Feeling excited and energized for marathon training starting next week!

Did: 2.74 mi @ 9:22/mi avg
Just a few easy miles around the neighborhood in the afternoon. Final day of the #RWRunStreak for 2022! :)

Miles this week = 33.7 

I don't plan to do a "year in review" post. I ran a lot, I qualified for Boston. Yay 🥳

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