Monday, January 9, 2023

Boston Marathon #127 Training (Week 1 of 16)

So, I have a plan summary chart as well as a weekly tracking... I'll post the week's plan at the beginning then the final tracking at the end of the entry.

The Plan

Plan: off/XT
Did: 60 min hot Power Vinyasa + 1.5 mi run + 6.1 mi hike
Started the morning with power vinyasa class at Soul Yoga, then took a short jog around Unity Park in the early morning fog sunrise. So pretty!

Then we used the last day of holiday break to take a family hike in Pisgah National Forest up to John Rock. It was a beautiful day and really just a perfect hike... D did really well, despite protesting and declaring he did NOT want to go hiking at all. This may have been his best performance yet on a hike, and one of the longest! We finished the hike in about half the time I'd allotted (based on past performance) and were able to enjoy the sites without any worry about running out of time. 
Started out on Cat Gap loop trail from the Fish Hatchery trailhead

It was a little chilly at the beginning, but quickly warmed up

Lots of fun creek crossings

Rhododendron tunnels 

View from John Rock!

View of Looking Glass Rock across the valley

Curious raven wanted our snacks

Plan: reps
Did: 8.13 mi @ 8:08/mi avg Track Tuesday
Wasn't sure how today's track workout would go after a big day yesterday and a not great night of sleep, but it turned out great! Did 9 x 600m repeats / 200m recovery, with each repeat in the 2:28-2:31 range (target was 2:30). Right on the money, felt great! So unseasonably warm today though, whew. 

Plan: 4 easy
Did: 40 min strength + 4.05 mi @ 9:18/mi
Rain and thunderstorms (???) through the entire morning, so waited until midday to do workouts. Got some strength workout done at home in the basement with the light weights.
Towards the end of the day, got in my scheduled 4 mile run even though it was still lightly raining. Of course, 30 minutes after I finished running, the sun came out. 🙃

Plan: hills
Did: 5.78 mi @ 9:24/mi avg Altamont Run
Second week in a row back on the mountain, feeling good! Beautifully cool and clear morning, nearly full moon, great for a hard climb. I'm excited to have Altamont back in the training regimen. It's a hard one but it's so so good.

Plan: EZ/XT
Did: 1.6 mi @ 10:12/mi + 2 mi night hike
Just an easy loop through the neighborhood in the morning, and a night hike at Conestee Nature Preserve under a full moon with the family :)

Planned: 10 mi long run
Did: 10.06 @ 8:25/mi avg
Got to run with a group of new folks today which was fun! A lot of locals who are training for various marathons, so everyone started together on an out-and-back then turned around when needed based on the individual mileage plan for the day. I had the shortest since I'm just starting my training, so I finished with several solo miles. Lovely cool morning, but no rain!
Sunrise over Unity Park

Planned: 3 mi Goal Pace
Did: 2 mi walk, 4 mi run (1 WU + 3 tempo), 60 min hot yoga
Started the morning with a neighborhood walk near the church while D was in Sunday school. Always a pleasant solo excursion! In the afternoon, I ran on the Swamp Rabbit Trail before yoga class. Warmed up with 1 mile then sped up for what I planned to be goal pace (8:00/mi) miles but went out a bit too fast and ended up with more like tempo miles (7:21, 7:37, 7:37). Whoopsies. 

All on track currently!

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