Tuesday, November 8, 2022

How is it November already?

Did: 3.1 mi @ 7:23/mi treadmill run
I signed up for a Halloween-themed virtual 5k with some friends so I decided to get it done today (also I was short on time, so it worked out well!).
"Everything Hurts and I'm Dying 5k"


Did: 6.29 mi @ 8:36/mi Track Tuesday
Ran track at Furman today, short on time but got 3x1k done (4:17, 4:19, 4:23) and finished out the 10k total for the day. Struggled with some side stitch pain at the end of the run but it went away once I was done with the run. 

Did: 4.53 @ 10:05/mi avg EZ run
Started in the dark and did a loop down to Furman and back. Very glad to be running more this week!

Did: 5.0 mi treadmill interval run
Had to run on the treadmill at work (two treadmill runs in one week! insanity!) due to Scott traveling. Decided on 10x400m intervals with 200m recovery between. Increased the pace with each 400m, starting with 7:30/mi and got up to ~5:50/mi for the last one. Felt great!

Did: 2.3 mi walk
Took a nice walk in TR after my haircut appointment. Such a pretty day!

Did: 8.52 mi @ 8:19/mi avg + 7.2 mi mountain bike ride
A good day outdoors despite some less than perfect weather! Started the morning with 8.5 dark + rainy miles on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Then went up to Bent Creek for a family mountain bike ride. It's been a minute since I rode some real trails, and it was great! 

Did: 2.5 mi walk 
Meandered through the neighborhood near church while D was in Sunday School. Rain held off while I walked although my shoes got squishy... ew.

Totals for the week:
27.5 miles run
4.8 miles walked
7 miles biked

Not bad! Still working on getting run total at 30+ mpw for a solid pre-marathon base. Will continue to work on that. 

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