Monday, October 31, 2022

Aaaand I'm sick.

Did: 2.4 mi walk
Woke up congested and sneezy. This is expected after not much sleep. Missed my step goal by a few hundred steps but didn't care.... sick and multiple 20k+ days in a row, it was time for a break.

Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:22/mi
A tough 10k Tuesday... really did not feel well enough to run but had to get it done. Wasn't sure I'd have enough time before having to go pick up D from school but was able to squeeze it in. 

Did: 2 walks - 3.4 mi total
Fall colors are just 😍

Did: 4.5 mi @ 8:42/mi
Ran on the trail in the morning after school drop-off, felt much better than expected. I think I'm finally getting over this crud.

Did: 3.2 mi walk
Nice walk in TR on the trail after drop-off today. 

Did: 3.5 mi run
This run was a reminder of why I do not run after breakfast. 

Did: 2 mi walk
Meander in the neighborhood by church in the misting rain. In awe of the colors on the trees.

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