Monday, November 21, 2022

A good solid week!

Did: 2 mi treadmill, 20 min strength training
Warmed up with 2 miles on the treadmill at the work gym, then did bodyweight workout and some upper body weights. 
Accumulate an 8-min plank. Each time you rest, do 10 jumping jacks, 10 high knees (1) and 10 air squats = 11:15 total, held 3 min plank to start!

Did: 6.24 mi @ 8:26/mi
#10kTuesday in the cold rain, but really wasn't that bad and I swear I saw some snowflakes mixed into the drizzle! Decided track did not sound appealing in the forecasted weather, but a regular run on the swamp rabbit trail was just lovely. 

Did: 23 min bodyweight workout + 2.5 mi walk
Started with getting the bodyweight workouts done early in the morning, primarily because at bedtime last night, D said "Mommy I want to lift weights with you in the morning." Well, okay kiddo! So he woke up early, got himself dressed and ready for school, then did some exercises for about 10 minutes with the 5lb dumbbells. Adorable 🥰
Scooted out for a quick midday walk between meetings - nice sunshine but it was chilly!

Did: 5.5 mi @ 8:41/mi
Early downtown run, got to run on the new (and partially not-yet-opened) section of the Swamp Rabbit Trail! It was...very dark lol. But cool to see the expansion... excited to use it when it's fully completed!

Did: 3.1 mi EZ run @ 10:44/mi + 18 min bodyweight workout
Easy miles on the SRT after dropping D off at school (cold! 🥶) then bodyweight workout when I got home. 
Harley was proud.

Did: 12.1 mi between 3 runs + 60 min yoga
Started off with a long-ish run early and surprisingly speedy pace (7.8 mi @ 8:19/mi) then ended at the start of the Zoom through the Zoo 5k, where I ran a sluggish 3.1 mi @ 7:51/mi pace. This is the race I won (first place female) in May of 2021, so the poor performance was a bit tough for me. Still, I ran what I could and did decently well for the team. Finished up with 1.2 mile run/walk back to the car.
Next I had signed up for a flow yoga class at the local brewery, which turned out to be fantastic - great mix of power flow + vinyasa, just the right level of difficulty. I was even sore the next day!
Complimentary beverage included post-yoga class. 

Did: 2 mi walk
After a very active Saturday, I welcomed an easy Sunday. Took a nice walk before church - it was chilly but the sunshine was nice. 

Just a bit under 29 miles for the week... getting there on my 30 mpw goal! 

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