Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Weekend Wizarding

Did: 30 min strength + walks

Did: 7.01 @ 8:08/mi
Track Tuesday, did 3x 1mi repeats (7:03, 7:06, 7:01) and felt really good. It was quite breezy but not too cold. 

Did: 3.91 mi @ 10:50/mi
EZ miles today and it was the first COLD run of the season... car said 33F when I finished, and that was while it was sitting in the bright sunshine. BRR! 🥶 Gotta get adapted to this kind of thing for winter runninggggggg :)

Thursday - Sunday
Did: a boatload of walking!
Went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter 👓🗲 in Orlando, FL with a group of friends, so did not do any dedicated exercise but mannnnn did we do a lot of walking! 

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