Monday, September 5, 2022

The one where I biked twice!

Did: 30 min gym workout
Included bodyweight workout with some upper body weights in the gym.
50-40-30-20-10 shoulder taps (R+L=1) and air squats
10-20-30-40-50 skater lunges (R+L=2) and crunches
= 16:05

Did: 6.7 mi Track Tuesday + 8 min bodyweight workout
Track Tuesday on the purple track today and actually felt pretty good! Did 3x 1k repeats (4:) plus 400m finisher in 93 seconds.
Bodyweight workout was all core:
30-20-10 countdown to 3-2-1: Russian twists (1), crunches, Spidey abs (2) = 8:02

Did: 2.8 mi walk + 15 min bodyweight workout
Morning walk after school drop-off, added in a couple of super slow jogs when I felt like it.
Bodyweight workout:
4 rounds (15 min total): 3 mins repeating 6x jump squats, pushups, up-downs, shoulder taps (1) / 1 min rest = 16 rounds total

Did: 5.94 mi @ 8:47/mi run + 11 min bodyweight workout
Early downtown run on the first half of "Best 10 Backwards" route. Felt really good again!
Bodyweight workout once I got to the gym at work:
50 reverse situps, 40 alternating plank toe taps (R+L=2), 30 tri dips, 20 pushups, 10 burpees, 1 min plank hold; then go back up = 11:16

Did: 3.1 mi walk + 20 min bodyweight workout + 11.6 mi bike ride
Walked again after school drop-off, beautiful temps this morning!
Bodyweight workout at home:
100 Mtn climbers (2), 90 Russian twists (2), 80 high knees (1), 70 air squats w side leg raise (one side only, do the other leg on the way back), 60s plank, 50 skater lunges (2), 40 shoulder taps (2), 30 push-ups, 20 chair dips, 10 burpees >> then go back up (but don't repeat the burpees) = 19:18
In the evening, biked from home to Barley's downtown for dinner and drinks with friends. Only got sprinkled on once and it was great to do the bike commute for the first time in a long while!

Was bummed to wake up Saturday and realize I'd missed the 10k step goal by less than 300 steps... biking doesn't rack up any steps! :( But I guess I don't feel too bad since I wasn't being inactive to miss the goal, just doing the "wrong" sport. Still broke the streak... sigh.

Did: 20.2 mi bike ride + evening walk
Second bike ride in two days! Needed to go water Mom's plants at her apartment, so I decided to bike there and back. It was good to get out on the bike again, quite a pleasant ride despite the swamp rabbit trail being pretty crowded. In the evening after dinner, went for an impromptu walk around the neighborhood and regained the 10k steps goal :)

Did: 1.3 mi hike + 2.6 mi walk
Took a short but fun hike at Isaqueena Falls and Stumphouse Tunnel with D and some friends. The kids played in the waterfall for about an hour and enjoyed the really cool tunnel in the mountain!
Isaqueena Falls



Went on a walk in the afternoon between rain storms after we got home.

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