Monday, September 12, 2022

Labor Day week

Todaybor Day is Labor Day!
Did: 6.6 mi rain run + 12-min bodyweight workout + 40 min bouldering
After 2 days of not running, I needed to get out so I went early over to the swamp rabbit trail and ran in the rain as the sun came up. Perfect! Felt really good even though it took the legs a little while to wake up. 
Post-rain-run coffee 

Got the bodyweight workout done mid-morning at home.
Accumulate an 8-min plank. Each time you rest, do 10 jumping jacks, 10 high knees, and 10 air squats = total 12:07

Then in the afternoon, the family went to projectROCK Easley, an indoor climbing gym, and I got to do about 40 mins of bouldering (rock climbing without a harness). I realized I was a little bit afraid of heights once I got more than ~15ft off the ground, so I had to repeat lots of the beginner walls before I willed myself to the very top a couple of times. It's tough but I enjoyed it!

Did: 6.3 mi run Track Tuesday + 10-min bodyweight workout
Back to the track for a Tuesday morning run. Lots of folks out at Furman this morning! Ran 5x600m for speedwork, all in the 2:35-2:40ish range. Not super speedy but not terrible. 
Did the bodyweight workout when I got to the work gym.

10 min workout. Workout is determined by the last digit of the stopwatch when you finish:
:00 - 10 pushups
:01 - 20 jumping jacks
:02 - 20 sumo squats
:03 - 20 Russian twists (1)
:04 - 20 reverse sit-ups
:05 - 10 up-downs
:06 - 10 one-leg squats
:07 - 10 Spidey abs (2)
:08 - 20 skater lunges (2)
:09 - 20 shoulder taps (1)
...I ended up with a lot of squats, up-downs, and Spidey abs!

Did: 2.8 mi walk + 12-min bodyweight workout + 9.4 mi bike ride
Went for a walk after morning school drop-off, a nice sunny morning and not terrible temps. 

Did the bodyweight workout midday at home.
12 min AMRAP: 7 jump squats, 5 pushups, 3 up-downs = 20 rounds completed

Storms in the evening cleared so that I was able to bike to and from D's soccer practice at the YMCA nearby. Took different routes on the way there and the way back, and was treated to a beautiful pink sky at sunset. 
When your bike shoes match your outfit 

Sunset over Paris Mtn

Did: 5.6 mi @ 8:43/mi + 7-min bodyweight workout
Ran the Lakeview Lollipop route this morning and enjoyed some nice temperatures! The break in the humidity was very welcomed. 
Completed the bodyweight workout at work in they gym:
6 sets of 50 Russian twists (1). Between each set, do 10 pushups + 10 mountain climbers (1) = 7:12

Did: 2.7 mi walk + 8-min bodyweight workout
Walked around Furman after morning drop-off. Bodyweight workout midday. Loving the slightly cooler temps!
Sooooo pretty 😍

30 RFT: 5 fast feet + 5 jump squats + 5 skater lunges = 8:12

Did: 10.3 mi @ 8:35/mi 
Rain runnnnnn this morning! Took a while for my legs to wake up and decide they actually wanted to run, but felt great towards the end.
A little moist!

Did: 3.7 mi walk
Long afternoon walk... missing the nice fall temps that we had there for a few days! Come baaaaaaack.

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