Sunday, August 28, 2022

Slightly altered schedule week

Scott traveling first part of the week, so the "normal routine" is interrupted a bit. Switching my WFH days between Tuesday & Wednesday.

Did: 30 min work gym
Got in the gym as soon as I arrived at work after doing school drop-off. Only could fit in half an hour before I had to get to a meeting, but was able to do the bodyweight workout + some weights.
30 RFT: 5 pushups + 5 jump squats = 9:51

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:21/mi run + bodyweight workout
Got out on the trail after morning drop-off and pushed the pace a bit for the 10k... felt good on the first half, struggled a little on the return (uphill part) but kept a good effort. 
Completed the bodyweight workout later in the morning:
40-30-20-10 jumping jacks + sit-ups; then 10-20-30-40 mountain climbers (1) + tricep dips = 8:20
*substituted crunches for sit-ups (hurts my tailbone!)

Did: bodyweight workout + 1.35 mi walk
80 jumping jacks + 70 Russian twists + 60 glute bridges + 50 fast feet + 40 high knees + 30 situps + 20 pushups + 10 mountain climbers = 6:49
Took a walk on the Wellness Trail at work at the end of the day before leaving.

Did: 5 mi run @ 9:06/mi + bodyweight workout
Opted for an easy run this morning on the Lakeview Lollipop route. Pretty sticky and humid still - quite unpleasant.
Completed the bodyweight workout immediately after the run before heading in to work.
15 RFT: 10 gorilla hops + 10 mountain climbers = 5:51

Did: 3.2 mi walk + bodyweight workout
Walk on the trail after drop-off was nice, though quite humid and foggy. 
Bodyweight workout at home midday.
12-min AMRAP: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (1) + 5 reverse sit-ups = 28 rounds

Did: 10.25 mi run @ 8:26/mi 
Had a small group from downtown today, ran the Urban Assault route and kept a pretty good and steady pace. It was tough for me but the conversations made the miles pass. Turns out (after looking back at Garmin) this was my first run of 10 miles since late May. Whewwwww #lazysummer. Whoops. Feeling excited to get back at it and make these 10-milers seem like nbd again!

Did: 3 mi walk
Took an afternoon walk - man it was warm! Good way to round out the week. 

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