Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Weird schedule week

 So, this week (3/28-4/1) I'm supporting an EU-based team at work... from the US. Which means weird work hours and sleep schedules. Gonna be a bit of a hot mess for workouts, but we'll see what happens.

[1 week later...]

Well, I was right! I started that blog entry and then wrote nothing for the rest of the week. I woke up at 3:45 am most days, worked 4am-1:30pm, some days got a nap but mostly not, then worked out in the afternoon before picking up D from school. 

Monday was 20 mins full body flow yoga + 25 min walk

Tuesday ran 6.25 mi @ 8:36/mi avg for #10kTuesday on the Swamp Rabbit trail in TR.

Wednesday did 40 mins of strength training

Thursday a short 20-min walk in the neighborhood with D before dinner

Friday got 50 mins of full body flow yoga

Saturday did a long run of 10.06 mi @ 8:34/mi avg - yessss this was a great run!

Sunday played soccer with D for about an hour then a 30-min walk at Conestee while D rode his bike along the trail. 

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