Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The week with Ville-to-Ville

I don't know what to title my post this week... we'll see if I get inspired later on. 

Did: 30 min strength training
First day back in the work gym in over 2 years! Also re-starting the daily (5 days/wk) bodyweight exercises. #BeastModeSummer
Body weight exercises (14:30-ish total time)
10 Days of Xmas:
10 burpees
9 glute bridges
8 mtn climbers (R+L=1)
7 russian twists (R+L=1)
6 tricep pushups
5 sumo squats
4 skater lunges (R+L=2)
3 jumping jacks
2 jump squats
1 30s plank
Then did some curls + overhead dumbbell press (16lb weights), rows and flys with the cable machine, and leg press.

Did: 6.4 mi @ 8:15/mi Track Tuesday + 7-min core
Back to the track downtown with, apparently, the rest of Greenville! It was so crowded, and they had the lights on and the high school track team out by 6am... not a fan, but I realize it is their track. Might have to go back to Furman if these shenanigans continue.
Anyway, got 2x 1mi (6:59, 6:53) done. Not super fast but good enough for today. 

In the evening, did the daily bodyweight workout which was a quick core set:
30-20-10 countdown to 3-2-1: Russian twists (R+L=1), crunches, Spidey abs (R+L=2)
Total time = 6:49

Did: 30 min strength workout
Got the bodyweight workout done first, then did another 15 mins of weights including dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance band.
15 min AMRAP: 5 pushups, 4 high-low plank (up+down = 1), 3 heels-to-heaven
total 28 reps

Did: 5.3 mi @ 8:38/mi avg
Just a nice EZ run around Furman this morning, foggy and humid and warm.
Actually drove to work and showered in the locker room for the first time in forever... so weird how that used to be standard routine, now it's odd! I forgot I was going to do the bodyweight workout in the gym when I got here... remembered about halfway through my shower. Oops. Guess I'll double-up tomorrow!

Did: bodyweight workout from Thursday + 60 min Power Vinyasa w/ Karina
In the afternoon I did the bodyweight workout I'd forgotten from Thursday
20 RFT: 4x each shoulder taps (R+L=1), mtn climbers (R+L=1), up-down, tuck jumps (
Time = 10:14
Then went to a Power Vinyasa class at Soul Yoga after work, which was faaaaantastic. Man I have missed going to those hot yoga classes! Felt tough but amazing to sweat.

Did: Ville-to-Ville Relay
Oh yeah, that was this week... Race Report forthcoming!

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout
30s each, 3x through: TD squat, fast feet, jump shot, up-downs, mtn climbers, bicycle crunches, glute bridge, jump rope (pretend or for real!), shoulder taps, rest

Not a bad week at all! Getting in those strength sessions for #BeastModeSummer

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