Monday, April 18, 2022

#BeastModeSummer - Week 2

We'll call this Week 2 but I really don't have any kind of plan outlined. Just going to keep running, strength training, and having fun. :)

Did: 52 mins strength training at the work gym
Back in the work gym, and had time for a solid workout today! Squat rack, heavy dumbbells for curls, cable machine, barbell for deadlifts. Oh yesssss. 
Started off with a bodyweight workout:
3 min on each move: mtn climbers (R+L=1), tricep dips, Russian twist, pushups. Score is total moves completed.
Score = 151, 92, 167, 63
Ooooof that was hard. Then went to work with lifting for the rest of my time there. 

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:13/mi avg
Ran at the Furman track today since I was planning to WFH, and felt pretty good although my effort felt hard for the paces I ended up running. Eh, maybe not enough fuel yesterday. Still great to get out there on the purple track!
400m @ 1:37
800m @ 3:25
1600m @ 7:03
400m @ 1:40

Got home and did the bodyweight workout for the day:
accumulate an 8-min plank. Each time you rest, do 5 jumping jacks + 5 squats. Score is total time.
Score = 11:38
Oh, my shoulders.

Did: 17-min strength workout
Waited until the end of the day to do this so was short on time, but got the bodyweight workout + some upper body strength done.
30-20-10 down to 3-2-1: reverse sit-ups, alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 2), burpees
Total ~12 or 13 mins

Did: 6.01 mi @ 8:31/mi + bodyweight workout
Ran on the Swamp Rabbit Trail up to TR and back, then did the bodyweight workout in the parking lot before heading home. A good start to the day!

25 RFT: 4 shoulder taps (L+R=1), 4 jumping jacks, 4 TD Squats
Total time 7:29 (not including a ~30 second break after 15 reps)

Did: 1.94 mi walk
Took a walk around the in-laws' neighborhood while visiting. Warm and sunny Florida weather was definitely a nice change!

Did: 6.46 mi @ 9:11/mi
Slow and warm Florida running. Up and down the A1A, didn't make it to Mar-a-Lago like I'd somewhat hoped but this was as good as the run was going to get without being adapted to the higher temps.

Did: 10-min bodyweight workout
No time for much workout today, but did get Friday's bodyweight workout done in the hotel between visits and beach trips.
15 RFT: 10 air squats + 10 pushups
Did all the pushups on knees. 9:08 total time.

Feeling good about the bodyweight/strength work I've gotten done in the past few weeks, and looking forward to continuing!

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