Monday, March 28, 2022

Post-Marathon Recovery Week

Not much to say, so I won't write the daily blog... I attempted to run 10k Tuesday on Tuesday, but the quads very quickly told me that was not going to be possible. I took a nice long walk instead and kept the streak alive by the 10k steps alternative. Quads finally stopped being sore sometime around Thursday. Note to self: next time I run a marathon, make sure the day after is not a workday, and if it is, take the day off.

I was able to run 7.8 miles on Saturday morning and felt pretty good, though had to take it gently going down hills. 

Other than that, it was just a lot of walks, some stretching, and an actual ~35-minute strength session on Sunday morning! Pretty excited to add strength training back into the routine through the summer.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Race Report: Tobacco Road Marathon

I signed up at the end of December and laid out my plans for training in early January, with just 11 weeks of intentional training scheduled before the race date.

Expected: PR (current PR is 3:40:21 from the Charlotte Marathon in 2017)
Target Goal: BQ (qualifying standard for my age group is 3hr 35min)
Stretch Goal: 3:30 or below (to get as much of a buffer below the BQ standard as possible)

I drove up to Cary, NC after the 5k at work on Saturday (about a 3.5 hour drive) and didn't make any stops on the way. Went right to the expo, picked up my bib and shirt, then checked into the hotel.

Walked to Chuy's (yes, Tex-Mex is my favorite pre-race meal) next to the hotel for dinner and then relaxed before an early bedtime. I think the early wake-up for the 5k that morning must have been a good thing because I didn't have too much trouble falling asleep despite the nerves and excitement!

Honestly I'd been such a bundle of anxiety for the past week... I tried not to let it show but man, I knew there was a lot of expectation for this race (for myself, mostly) and it was tough to keep my cool.

Race morning, woke up and felt ready to go - not groggy or tired at all (too excited!!). Got myself out the door with plenty of time to drive over to the shuttle area, find the shuttles, and make the journey over to the race venue by about 6:20 a.m. for the 7:00 start. Took my time in the port-a-john line, found Matt who was planning to run with me, and got into the start corral. I'd hoped to find a pace group for a 3:30 time, but the fastest marathon pacer was for 3:35. I did see the 1:45 half marathon group, so thought starting off with them would be a good way to get into the groove early. Maybe I could keep up with them for the first half of the race!

A few announcements, an interesting live rendition of the National Anthem, and then we were off just as the sun started to rise! I had made the decision to take off my long-sleeved shirt before the start, and definitely did not regret it... kind of wished I could have left it somewhere, but it wasn't too much of a bother. 

The race course follows rolling roads for about 2.5 miles to get to the American Tobacco Trail, then does two out-and-back segments... first heading north, then turning around just before mile 8.5, going south past the place where we'd originally gotten onto the trail for the second out-and-back, then doing the final turn at almost mile 19, finally heading back the same 2.5 miles to the finish line. 

I kept the 1:45 half runners in my sights and stuck close to them very intently, even though they were going a good bit faster than the 8:00/mi pace I needed to maintain. I hadn't realized the half runners would turn south when we got to the trail, so I was a little worried to not have them with me very long. I felt good, though, and just kept a steady pace and had my watch auto-lap every mile so I could check that I was on target. Most of the first miles were closer to 7:45-7:50 pace, and I knew I had to throttle back just a little to not crash later. 
~Mile 3

All but 2 miles well under 8:00/mi pace for the first 8 miles.

I felt amazing all the way to the turn-around point at mile 8.5, and saw Matt not far behind me after I made the turn. I had a few gummies not long after the turn, and a waffle around the half marathon point. There was an official time clock at the halfway mark, which was just over 1:44 (hello, second-fastest half marathon ever...). Perfectly on pace so far and feeling good!

~Mile 13.5

Keeping steady paces!

Made it past the point where we joined the half marathon course and it got significantly more crowded - a nice distraction, many more spectators, and also a noticeable slight downhill grade... which was great, except for being VERY aware that every step down the hill was a step I would have to re-trace much later in the race. Oooof, that was a tough mental block to get past!

Mile 15-ish?

It felt like the turnaround point was SO FAR AWAY, and things started to get tough after about mile 16. I don't remember a whole lot about miles ~15-20, but I know it felt far away. The lap notifications on my watch had gotten from solid 7:50-7:55s to more like 8:03-8:08s. I knew I'd banked enough time early on to be ok with a few slower miles, but I didn't like making that a really close call and didn't want to have to push too hard at the end. 

A little on the slower side, but still not bad. 

Finally got to the turnaround... things got hard, and I got a little worried when I didn't see Matt... but I knew I had to keep moving because it was still not "in the bag". I also had a minor freak-out when I ran past the Mile 22 marker and my watch didn't buzz... then I looked at it and it said I was only at 21.5 miles! I was extra concerned because Mile 20 had been one of my slowest by far, and I needed to be sure I wasn't dragging too much. I finally realized the satellites must have gotten wonky and decided I would hit the lap button for each mile marker going forward. 

Miles 20 & 21 = yikes.
Miles 22 & 23 = satellite issues.
Mile 24 = back on track.

Mile ~23? My face says it all...

Finally saw the turn off from the trail and knew if I could just hang on for LESS THAN A 5K I would achieve my goal... the phrase I kept repeating in my head: "You have everything it takes, but it will take all you've got." Also the concept of "finding fuel in an empty tank" was quite present.

I was running on the road, which was the most rolling part of the whole course... a good bit of it was downhill, but ohhh boy not all of it. My quads were on the verge of completely cramping at this point, but I just had to push and get through the rest. I just wanted to be DONE. 

I had less than ten minutes to go 1.2 miles...
not impossible, but SO HARD to keep pushing at this point.

Thankfully, I found Matt waiting for me at Mile 25 to run the final mile of the race which was exactly the push I needed... I was so tired and so ready to be done by then, but somehow made it up and around the final hills towards the park where I would find the finish line. 

Cresting the final hill, the volunteer was yelling "800 meters to the finish, all downhill! Keep pushing!" and off I went, as hard as I could go. I could hear the announcers and the cheers at the finish line as I rounded the corner, and I watched the race clock tick over 3:29:00 as the finish line came into view, and I knew I had done it!!!

Pain? Joy? BOTH?? Yes.

I was SO THRILLED and in total disbelief. I couldn't believe what I'd just accomplished! I got to ring the victory bell (for those who PR/BQ)!

I hobbled my way over to the results tent, where I was given my official pink slip that would grant me the race shirt that I REALLY wanted....


After some chocolate milk and a small beer, I hobbled my way back over to the shuttles and made my way to the hotel for a little rest before hitting the road. The 4hr car drive home was quite uncomfortable, but I scheduled as many stops as I could (between food and gas fill-ups) which made it tolerable. And I absolutely wore my BQ shirt to work on Monday. 😁😁

Writing this on the following Saturday, I'm STILL in disbelief a bit that I really did accomplish this goal... it seemed so far out of reach, so impossible, something only "really good, really fast runners" do. And... now I've done it?? Still doesn't seem real. But hopefully I'll get to run next April in Boston! 💙💛🦄

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 11/11


Only thing on the plan this week is EZ 10k Tuesday, EZ 4 Wednesday, and EZ 2 Saturday. 

Did: 1.72 mi walk
A beautiful day for a walk around campus!

Did: 6.33 mi @ 8:22/mi avg
A little faster than I probably should have run... but I spent part of the time trying to catch up to the downtown group (I was late) and eventually settled into a slower pace once I'd figured out I wasn't going to catch up to them lol. It was a nice run in the early hours of the day through downtown solo!

Did: 2.7 mi @ 8:51/mi 
Short run in TR in the afternoon. 
ONE MORE RUN before the big day. 

Did: 1.1 mi walk
Just a stroll through the neighborhood with the family after dinner (enjoying those longer daylight hours!). 
Also, I've been having some heart palpitations over the past week... I've tried ditching the caffeine and alcohol, limiting sugar, getting sufficient sleep... nothing seems to correlate to things being better or worse. I had a lot of them Thursday evening/night, and I'm almost certain it's related to pre-race anxiety/stress. The less I think about them, the more they seem to subside... but at night, I lay there just focusing on my heartbeat and (of course) freaking out about it. I'm sure I'm just getting in my own head about it, but I've scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist (not til next month) just to be on the safe side. It's been persistent enough that I feel it warrants getting checked out. Trying not to let it get into my head around the race though... I'm well-trained, I'm healthy, I'm strong... I'm ready. The hard work is done, this is the victory lap. Time to go claim that finish line.

Did: 1 mi walk
Another neighborhood walk. Getting in that rest.

Did: 3.1 mi @ 9:06/mi 
Ran the Milliken Earth Run 5k at work today, and had to keep reminding myself to NOT RACE and just keep it nice and easy. Felt great though and was nice to get in those final pre-race miles.... NEXT TIME I RUN, IT'LL BE FROM THE STARTING LINE. 

RACE DAY. See recap post forthcoming.... 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 10/11

Ack, I can't believe how quickly this training cycle went... how is it 2 weeks til race day?! 😬
Taper week 2 of 3

Did: 1mi walk
Didn't have time for much at work, but got in a short walk. 

Did: 6.5 mi track Tuesday
Yasso 800s at the track because I couldn't think of anything else to do. Got 5x800 done plus a fast 400 to finish. Felt good and strong. The 800s were a good push but not hard, and I was consistently under target of 3:30 for each one.
800s were 3:19, 3:20, 3:20, 3:25, 3:23 
400 in 88s (man I am so much slower on those than I was last summer!)

Did: 6.02 mi @ 8:50/mi avg
Midday EZ run on the trail.

Did: 3.04 mi @ 10:21/mi 
Evening run at the Ville-to-Ville Social! Had D in the stroller for the first time in a longgggg time. Nice to run with a group of friends!

Did: 1.61 mi walk
Walked in the neighborhood while the sunshine was still out before winter returns for a few days.

Did: 60 min Power Vinyasa w/ Marsha
Attended an in-person class at Soul Yoga for the first time in a very long time... felt amazing and another perfect message from Marsha. 
"The idea of 'never quit' sounds great, but sometimes quitting is the right thing to do. You have to quit the things that don't serve you anymore. Quit putting yourself in situations that aren't right for you. Quitting The Thing is not the same as quitting on yourself."

Did: 9.98 mi @ 8:22/mi avg
Final long run (supposed to be double-digit but a locked gate shorted me a couple 100ths of a mile... oh well) is done. Did a mostly easy pace but with a little extra push for miles 6-9. Felt really good since I feel like I haven't gotten to run much this week! Really happy with the result and can't believe it's one week til race day. EEEEEEK.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 9/11

Taper tiiiiiiiime

Did: 20 min yoga
Needed a very light day today, so just did some yoga in the morning to stretch out the legs and back. Felt good.

Did: 6.3 mi 8:39/mi pace
Skipped the track to take it easy on the achilles today, but got 10k done around Furman. 

Did: 1.9 mi walk
Took a nice late afternoon walk in TR - enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps!

Did: 1.2 mi walk
Hadn't done anything all day (oops) and still resting the achilles, but got out for a late night walk because it was soooo nice outside. 

Did: 4.03 mi run @ 8:50/mi
Took an EZ test run after doing school drop-off, and felt pretty good. Looking forward to longer miles tomorrow.

Did: 13.12 mi @ 8:21/mi
Had 12 miles on the plan but added a bit more on to account for the missed runs earlier in the week. Achilles felt pretty good although I didn't love my new shoes... the soles of my feet hurt after a while, but perhaps it's just they're tired anyway. I'll keep giving them a try, but likely will wear the previous pair for race day.

Did: 5.01 mi @ 7:42/mi avg
Went out for some fast miles on the very north end of the SRT today, but mannnn the warmer temperatures were tough! After the first 3 miles I noticed I was doing a progression run with each mile slightly faster than the one before it, so I tried to make it last the entire 5 mile run... missed it by about a second at the end!
So close!

Still felt pretty happy with the run though. And the achilles seems fine! 🎉

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 8/11

Week 8

Final peak weeeeeeek!!

Did: 30 min yoga
Started off the day with some yoga, which was very much needed. Have been feeling stiff and sore lately, and this helped a lot. Arms are also still sore from Saturday's weight session - whee!

Did: 6.82 mi @ 8:34/mi avg
Track 2's Day on 2/22/22! It was slightly misty/sprinkly rain but in the mid-50s so felt great. Got 8x400m done today, all between 1:31-1:38, and generally got faster as I got more of the repeats done. Great start to the day!

Did: 10.08 mi @ 8:42/mi avg
Wheeeee midday moderately long run! What a fantastic way to break up a long day of meetings, and thankfully had a break in the rain with warm temps and some sunshine. Got some faster miles done in the back half of the run which felt great.

Did: 5.6 mi Altamont run
Back on the mountain this morning... tough as always but always feels good to have that climb done.

Did: 1 mi walk
Not a lot of time today but got in a short walk before picking up D from school. Beautiful sunshine today!

Did: 19.7 mi @ 9:03/mi avg
Some long runs are invigorating and feel powerful... others are hard-fought battles with a few tears of frustration along the way. This was one of the latter kinds. I guess after having 2 really good peak weeks, it was bound to happen that I'd have a not-so-great 20-miler eventually. I'm proud of myself for finishing the run, because I was very tempted to cut it at the halfway point. I ran loops through downtown instead of the usual long out and back on the swamp rabbit trail, though the final 6 miles were on the SRT where I caught the leaders of the Greenville Half Marathon (a point-to-point race from TR to Greenville on the Swamp Rabbit) - man they were moving fast! 

Did: 10.02 mi @ 7:51/mi avg
Rain all day, but a plan to go to the children's museum downtown with the fam offered the opportunity to do a lovely point-to-point (net downhill!) run from the house to downtown on the swamp rabbit trail. I had to make a couple of pit stops between mile 2 and 3 (thank goodness for construction sites that don't lock their port-a-potties, I'm just sayin') but after that everything went well! Definitely slowed down towards the end once I got into downtown (I blame crowded sidewalks and stoplights 😏) but felt really strong overall. 

I did notice some soreness in my left achilles in the last couple of miles... worked on my calf with the massage gun when we got home, which seemed to help, but definitely going to keep an eye on that. 👀

52.24 miles for the week. WHEW. Feeling it.