Sunday, January 30, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 4/11

Week 4

Did: 25 min stretching/yoga + 20 min weights
Not super high-intensity or motivation, but got up early and felt good about doing some focused stretching.

Planned: speedwork
Did: 6.41 mi @ 8:23/mi Track Tuesday
I was running late so I didn't get a long workout on the track. Got 4x800 done (3:28, 3:29, 3:23, 3:22) and finished out #10kTuesday with an added loop around downtown.

Planned: 10 EZ (last 4 optional at race pace)
Did: 10.0 @ 9:38/mi EZ run
Took a late afternoon easy run on the Swamp Rabbit, listened to some true crime podcasts, and just enjoyed some peaceful easy miles. I'd thought about giving the last 4 miles some speed, but some GI uneasiness made me decide to keep it at an easy pace. 

Planned: Altamont
Did: 5.7 mi Altamont run
Climbed the mountain today! Hard as usual, but always good to do that climb.

Did: 2.6 mi walk
Took it easy today with just an afternoon walk, was happy for the day of mostly rest leading into a big training weekend.

Planned: 20 EZ
Did: 20.04 mi @ 8:38/mi avg
Ohhhhh man, what a great long run this was! Super stoked at the overall pace which I attribute to a variety of folks joining me for different parts of the run. Started downtown with one group, chased another group for several miles, ran through a snow flurry, ran a few with Matt, then finished up the last 7 miles solo. I could tell I was running out of steam when I got back to my starting point at mile 17 and had to make up a 3-mile loop around downtown to get the rest of the miles. That was a struggle, but at least navigating kept me occupied for some of that. Was very exited for my post-run coffee and scone at Spill the Beans! 
Morning sunrise with snow clouds ahead!

All smiles 😁


Planned: 10 goal pace (8:01/mi) miles
Did: 10.04 mi @ 7:38/mi avg
I was not feeling like doing this run. I'd had a busy morning of house decluttering, ran some errands, and had decided to stop at the trail to do my run on my way home. I parked and sat in my car for a little while, talking myself into it. Were my legs up for the challenge? Had I eaten enough? Too much? Was I hydrated? Should I wear my jacket or not? (Spoiler alert... I wore the jacket but definitely should have left it behind). 
Once I talked myself out of the car, I took off and figured I'd just see how it went. Immediately I needed a pitstop, and thankfully that only required a half-mile initial sprint up the trail to the Furman lake bathrooms. Felt much better and kept heading north...planned to turn around at the memorial gardens north of TR, then finish out the rest of the necessary miles with a short segment south of where I'd parked. 
First mile felt like garbage... gasping for air, unsure how I would keep up what felt like a hard pace for so many miles, and I took a few glances at my watch that told me I wasn't even running below a 9:00/mi pace...ACK. I bargained with myself, and said I'd do 3 miles and if I still felt like crap, I would turn it into 3x3mi tempo intervals. Thankfully, I found my groove after a couple of miles and around mile 2.5 decided I was fine and would stop worrying about pace and run whatever felt like a hard but not unsustainable pace. Also, knowing the second half would be downhill helped. :) Felt good at the turnaround point, the miles getting back to Furman were tough but felt solid, especially after I passed the spur to Foot Hills Rd. (truly the crest of the slight uphill in the southbound direction). I had Eminem's "Lose Yourself" in my head that kept me going (and the beat seemed to push a good pace). 
Passed the parking lot and had one mile left, so I knew I could push to the end.
Target time for the run was 1h20m... intentionally didn't look at my pace or time for the entire run (after about the first mile) and looked as I hit stop at the finish... 1h16m. BOOM. 💥

So happy with myself

Miles for the week: 52.19
Just a perfectly-executed week of training. I'm so happy with this. 

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